ADHD & Narcolepsy?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
A client of mine got rejected for the above.

His ADHD was under control, but the mother pulled him off of his meds to try something natural. He starting falling asleep in school...she blames it on trying to wean him off of the meds, and also the physical demands of him being on the basketball team.

Anyhow, he goes back to the doc and doc sez he should be tested for narcolepsy...never diagnosed it...just recommended that he go to a specialist. Well...she put him back on his ADHD meds, and the falling asleep in school went away (she never went to specialist)...but it is in his med records, and carrier rejected him.

I think it is advisable for her to go see the specialist to find out for most carriers would see this as an unresolved medical issue. Any other recommendations? What carriers are more lax in their underwriting?

FYI...she only told me about the ADHD...not the potential narcolepsy.
Best to get a definitive diagnosis & treatment plan before going forward. Otherwise you are wasting your time.
Yep...the mother is supposed to be doing that now...we'll see. Thanks for the input.
This reminds me of my visit to my asthma doc. I told her that my chest gets a little tight a few times during the month. Well, she mentions that I may have to have my heart looked at. I look at her and say "There is nothing wrong with my heart."

Well, about a month later I get a call from my PCP wanting me to make an appointment to see me and check my heart. I am livid. I call my asthma doc and really lay into her about putting that in my chart. My chest wasn't tight because there's anything wrong with my heart. I just mis-spoke and now it's in my charts. Good luck getting individual insurance for me, huh?

She did put in my chart that there wasn't anything wrong with my heart and that the symptoms went away. Maybe that will help.....
This reminds me of my visit to my asthma doc. I told her that my chest gets a little tight a few times during the month. Well, she mentions that I may have to have my heart looked at. I look at her and say "There is nothing wrong with my heart."

Well, about a month later I get a call from my PCP wanting me to make an appointment to see me and check my heart. I am livid. I call my asthma doc and really lay into her about putting that in my chart. My chest wasn't tight because there's anything wrong with my heart. I just mis-spoke and now it's in my charts. Good luck getting individual insurance for me, huh?

She did put in my chart that there wasn't anything wrong with my heart and that the symptoms went away. Maybe that will help.....

So many people don't even KNOW what is in their charts until they get declined for something. I think that it is VERY important to know, and to make sure that the Drs are putting correct info in them and not just speculation, as had happened to you.

When I talk to clients about their health, I always ask, "what does your medical chart look like at the Dr" and they have NO idea. I specify that some things that appear in those charts can deem them uninsurable or cause them to be highly rated, so they need to be aware of what is being documented.