Advice for friend in Colorado


5000 Post Club
Henderson, NV
I have a good friend living just outside of Boulder. He's really a genius but stuck in the computer industry where outsourcing has killed him. Very good with networks.

So, he's going broke - literally.

He would be terrific at insurance. No one I know can explain something as thoroughly, he's good with people, yada yada.

I'm in California so can't really help him with what to do in Colorado. Is there any health insurance (captive) carrier he could contact? Going it solo would work but he has no background and needs the training - not to mention a license.

Please help.

Rick, I am currently working with an agent in Colorado. The cool thing about naa is that I can have agents across the country and that I and other managers can train them. We may not be captive but it is really a nice home for new and seasoned agents.
I have a good friend living just outside of Boulder. He's really a genius but stuck in the computer industry where outsourcing has killed him. Very good with networks.

So, he's going broke - literally.

He would be terrific at insurance. No one I know can explain something as thoroughly, he's good with people, yada yada.

I'm in California so can't really help him with what to do in Colorado. Is there any health insurance (captive) carrier he could contact? Going it solo would work but he has no background and needs the training - not to mention a license.

Please help.


You might have to give your friend some hard advice. Does he have 100% commission sales experience? This is a hard enough field to break into for people who have had sales experience. For people who haven't had any - it's a very tough uphill climb. I would not recommend anyone get into any field of insurance without 3 months of bills in the bank.
Most people do not buy the new leads at first. Some have less funds and use the B leads which are much cheaper, plus there are many other marketing methods. Some teams even give free leads to new agents. Plus you don't get billed for the leads immediately. So you have time to write the business and get paid before you get billed.
fantastic money? Room to grow! Not being capped out yet is a nice feeling. Lets see at the end of the year where we stand. There is a difference in our philosophies.
Most people do not buy the new leads at first. Some have less funds and use the B leads which are much cheaper, plus there are many other marketing methods. Some teams even give free leads to new agents. Plus you don't get billed for the leads immediately. So you have time to write the business and get paid before you get billed.

How much are B-Leads and how are they obtained? thanks.
You want to know where I am already just on renewals after 3 years? Where will I be in 5 more years just off renewals?

Where will a NAA agent be in 5 years? Out driving to their next appointment. I'll be managing my current block of business on six figure renewals.
Message Sent!!

With this system in place I did well over 300,000 in AV with just one company my first year! I would also give full 1 on 1 support and training!

And no this is not with the NAA!!
