Advice for Some Over 65 Who Isn't Eligible for Medicare


I have a potential client who's a 69 year-old woman and is from Canada. She moved to TN last year after living in Canada all her life and thus is not eligible for Medicare. All the major medical companies I work with only cover someone through age 64, so I'm wondering if she has any other options other than to go with a hospital indemnity for health insurance for her? I'm in TN as well, if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance for any help out there.

Unfortunately she doesn't. She moved here from France last year to live with her daughter and son-in-law. I can get her some insurance, but nothing comprehensive, with what I've currently got at my disposal. She can't even buy into Medicare for four more years. Sheesh.
You can call Medicare and find out from them if they can do anything for her. Though I don't think she'd be able to qualify for any Medicare coverage yet. I believe non-US citizens have to have lived in the US for 5 consecutive years to even be able to buy Medicare Part A coverage. When she becomes eligible to buy the Medicare Part A coverage, it will still cost at least $400+/mo.
I had a similar situation, however she was one quarter short of being eligible for Medicare Part A. She is still looking for a job at 69. Hopeful she can be a Greeter at Walmart. Definitely, feel bad for her.Is there anyway around this? or suggestions?
This is what happens when the government takes over health care for a segment of the population. Imagine what it will be like when everyone is on Medicare.
I have a potential client who's a 69 year-old woman and is from Canada. She moved to TN last year after living in Canada all her life and thus is not eligible for Medicare. All the major medical companies I work with only cover someone through age 64, so I'm wondering if she has any other options other than to go with a hospital indemnity for health insurance for her? I'm in TN as well, if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance for any help out there.

Call Petersen International. They have a "Bridge" plan that may help.
I came across a lady that moved here from Jordan. She was low income and she got full medicaid/medicare. I don't know how that was possible because she just moved here. You might want to check on that. It doesn't seem very fair for the US citizens that lived here there whole life and don't get as good of coverage.

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