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AfterThoughts life insurance

Birthday Insurance. Assurity Life Insurance introduced a unique insurance product. Grandparents purchase AfterThoughts Birthday Insurance so that after their death, each named grandchild gets a personalized birthday card and check for every year on their birthday. The cards and checks for a predetermined amount, such as $100, $250, or $500, keep coming each year throughout the grandchild's life.

Craig Lack, executive vice president of Commemorative Life Insurance Services said, "This is simply the best door opener I've ever seen…once that prospect purchases birthday insurance from you, it's much easier to transition into sales of annuities, long-term care insurance, or other products that can benefit that new client." Commemorative Life Insurance Services did extensive product testing and focus group research throughout the United Sates and found that more than two-thirds of grandparents were very enthusiastic about purchasing the product for their grandchildren. For more information, visit
The website does not list premiums. Indicates no one is turned down. Can't tell you anything beyond what is on the site.
I think this would be a wonderful product for our seniors --- I have so many that would love to do this -- i am calling assurity on monday to see how it works and will post then
i know the website touts 100 to 250 a birthday check -- but we are used to 10 to 25 dollars... i would think that would be more appropriate and would last a lot longer and with more grandchildren?
I think you need to check with the folks at the birthday site. They are the ones who designed the product, and administer it. You can request agent info at their site. Didn't see anything on the Assurity site about it. My guess is this is a private label product.
I submitted my interest at their website and got a call the other day from John Lack from Commenorative Life. He emailed me all the details and I think this looks like a really great idea. Commission isn't great compared to other life plans - 50%. Has anyone else gotten the details? Are you going to sign up?
I submitted my interest at their website and got a call the other day from John Lack from Commenorative Life. He emailed me all the details and I think this looks like a really great idea. Commission isn't great compared to other life plans - 50%. Has anyone else gotten the details? Are you going to sign up?

I absolutely LOVE the idea. Up until I was 18 years old my grandmother used to send me a $2 bill every year for Valentines Day. It wasn't much, but it does bring a smile to my face every time I think about. This type of insurance is the gift that keeps on giving. I would like to see the details of the product.
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Have not signed up yet. Too many other things going on. Product has a niche. Don't see this as a primary source, but might pick up a few from time to time.

See this fitting in with those in the senior market more than my market.
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