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Age 70+, no exams - help

Matt Voss

New Member
Is anyone aware of any scenario/company where I can get a couple, ages 71 and 75 insured for $100,000 each without a physical exam? All routes I have explored lead to the physical exam. They are against the exam due to covid, unfortunately. I thought I would check with the knowledge on this forum. Thanks in advance.
No not currently. I also have some clients on pause because they are avoiding physical contact (and thus the med exam) due to covid.

With sizeable policies for their age, these aren't final expense policies.

In the interest of offering *something*, couldn't you do two $50k simplified issue WL policies? Sure it won't be the cheapest premium, but they are bringing a pretty big ask to the table, being 70+ and wanting a large policy no med exam.
Is anyone aware of any scenario/company where I can get a couple, ages 71 and 75 insured for $100,000 each without a physical exam? All routes I have explored lead to the physical exam. They are against the exam due to covid, unfortunately. I thought I would check with the knowledge on this forum. Thanks in advance.

Premium paying policies or are they Single Premium possible candidates. there are several SPUL type contracts that have just a handful of knock out questions. Sagicor I think is one. Also some SPIUL with hybrid CIA benefits like National Western.

Lastly, if they are willing to have a Ht/Wt/BP check (no blood), I see you are in Michigan. i could connect you with an agent that you could partner with to get them a phenomenal SPWL policy where 75% of the funds are still accessible in the PUAR values for emergency withdrawals, etc.