I Have And Even Though I Get A Small Check From Them Every Month I Don't Like Them, No Internet Apps, Apps Are A Bitch, Tons Of Places For Client To Sign And Too Much Info To Fill Out, Rates Vs Benifits Suck. Underwriting No Better Than Any Other, When I Did Them U Had To Get The Swab For Prefered Rates. Deal With Someone Else, Not Worth It.
It's been several years since I did any business with them. I can confirm that the apps were a bitch. They had a picture of the human body on the app that was opened like an autoposy to show the internal organs. Each question had to be answered by the applicant and initialed by them. Then the agent had to certify that the applicant filled out the app. It was a PITA. I don't know if it's changed since apparently World has acquired them. And the underwriting was the pits.
I noticed that the app looked more like a life insurance application than a health app. It's 26 pages! Nope not interested. World is a big enough pain. Thanks for the info.
Actually, AR bought World a little over a year ago. Still using paper apps (for now). I expect them to combine their operation with World over the next 2 years. No need for separate (but equal) underwriting. World finally got around to an e-app after they bought the CGI/CRL block.
Both AR & World offer private label products.
AR will take a faxed app. They are using MIB now so APS's should become almost nil.
Still testing them in some area's against my other carriers. Nothing real sexy yet. They do offer (at least thru private label) the ability to do a 3 yr rate guarantee on a copay plan. Only ones really doing that.
Yes, I know Time offers 3 yr rate guarantee but they don't have a copay plan worth a damn. If someone really wants a copay, and a 3 yr rate guarantee, AR might be the ticket.
I thought that all the hassle was just CT and NH because they weren't serious about the northeast market. From what I gather from you, they sound problematic all over the country. Sounds like they have no niche that makes it worth the trouble.
I am appointed with American Republic through Pinnacle and haven't placed any business with them... The guy I talked with on the phone talked me into getting appointed based on the ability to customize every little detail of the plans...
I'm not impressed.. rates run in the same ballpark as Assurant for the most part... sometimes higher for like coverage.. I'll sell Assurant any day over AR if the price is the same.. Anyone writing with Pinnacle??
I've been with them for over three years. Never turned in a single deal. Exact same situation - got pitched on Continental and AR. Continental sucked and I never wrote a plan. AR didn't have any special rates or underwriting so I never wrote a plan.