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Annuity Prospecting System

It is interesting that the only unbiased method to determine the shape of the economy is the market, and as I write this the DJ is down 301 points today.

We have idiots running our country who think a depression is fine if it allows them to get their agenda through while everyone is asleep. That is exactly what FDR did to get his anti-business agenda through. That is also exactly what prolonged the Depression (the first one) six year beyond where it should have ended.

Obama telegraphed what he was going to do, but the average voter in this country is incredible stupid, lazy, greedy and naive.
It is interesting that the only unbiased method to determine the shape of the economy is the market, and as I write this the DJ is down 301 points today.

We have idiots running our country who think a depression is fine if it allows them to get their agenda through while everyone is asleep. That is exactly what FDR did to get his anti-business agenda through. That is also exactly what prolonged the Depression (the first one) six year beyond where it should have ended.

Obama telegraphed what he was going to do, but the average voter in this country is incredible stupid, lazy, greedy and naive.

You hit the nail on the head. Unless the GOP gets back to Reagan and wins huge majorities in House and Senate in 2010 - this disaster will last for decades and America will not be the same in a few short years. ACORN/SEIU will work to insure the GOP will not win what it needs to turn away from Mugabe/Chavez destruction of the USA.

Look what the political left and Saudis did to England in a decade. Islamification and financial bankruptcy. O's is backed by the same people and is running the same playbook. Saudis = Muslim Brotherhood. :mad:
I am currently selling disability and life to Postal Employees in NJ, SC, and GA...It is a very warm market and would be interested in sharing any mutual opportunites...I have already sent you an e-mail...Thanks in advance...Tony
It is interesting that the only unbiased method to determine the shape of the economy is the market, and as I write this the DJ is down 301 points today.

We have idiots running our country who think a depression is fine if it allows them to get their agenda through while everyone is asleep. That is exactly what FDR did to get his anti-business agenda through. That is also exactly what prolonged the Depression (the first one) six year beyond where it should have ended.

Obama telegraphed what he was going to do, but the average voter in this country is incredible stupid, lazy, greedy and naive.

OMG, you right-wing conservatists love to be revisionists
when it comes to history. FDR inherited the Great Depression from none other than Herbert Hoover, a hide-bound Republican. Check Bloomberg News and you'll find that the stock market went down to its lowest point in the period from September 3, 1929 ro July 8, 1932 (718 trading days----down 89.2%). That's before FDR was even elected. It looks like deja vu all over again (as Yogi Bera would say) with Obama inheriting the mess created by George W. Bush.

You must be brainwashed by Rush Limppaw---even the RNC Chairman stated he is an entertainer. I would add Limppaw is a blowhard!:mad:
OMG, you right-wing conservatists love to be revisionists
when it comes to history. FDR inherited the Great Depression from none other than Herbert Hoover, a hide-bound Republican. Check Bloomberg News and you'll find that the stock market went down to its lowest point in the period from September 3, 1929 ro July 8, 1932 (718 trading days----down 89.2%). That's before FDR was even elected. It looks like deja vu all over again (as Yogi Bera would say) with Obama inheriting the mess created by George W. Bush.

You must be brainwashed by Rush Limppaw---even the RNC Chairman stated he is an entertainer. I would add Limppaw is a blowhard!:mad:

Nope - look at the stock market. It started dropping when Hillary had the nomination stolen from her due to ACORN thugs at the caucuses. The markets started dropping in May 2008 and slowy started going down. When the Kenyan-born marxist polls numbers versus McCain went up the market went down faster.

I sure hope you sell only health care because you should not sell financial services or insurance.

RULE #1: The market discounts the future. i.e. it looks 6 months to a year into the future and adjust the pricing accordingly. Bush's term was essentially over in early 2008.

The market would have held up with McCain or Hillary. McCsain is a RINO and Hillary was a lefty Dem but not a total marxist like Obama. Bill also would have restrained her. Capital fled the markets and the U.S. market because Obama is a marxist. The market has tanked more after he took office because anyone with an IQ above room temp has ZERO confidence in him.

FDR was a thug. He tried to repack the Supreme Court and engaged in other UnConstitutional acts. His nonsense prolonged the Depression. WW2 got us out of the Depression not FDR.
OMG, Freddie, you think the NRA, CCC, WPA, etc., were nonsense? At least FDR tried to get out the country out of the depression that Hoover got it into. I hope you are not a historian.
The only employees at risk of losing their jobs are those employees with 6 years of service or less. Anyone looking at doing a rollover is at least 60 and will not have to worry about layoffs.

By "recession proof" I mean that even in bad economic times (now) government grows not shrink.

I rolled 125k last night one call close. The guy I was training said it was like candy from a baby.