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Anybody Selling IAC?

I read a thread from a couple of years ago on IAC, which is now IHC I think. I was contacted by a marketing company that has live transfer leads. They are hooked up with IAC.

Is anybody actually using them now, or have recent experience with them?
You are correct - as of the 1st of the year, IAC is now IHC Health Solutions. I could give you info - but my opinion would obviously be biased.

Maybe - but let's hear what you have to say. Is ther advance options available? I hear different things on that. How competitive are you in GEORGIA? What is your network reach like? Do you have coverage in rural areas or is it mainly metro areas?
Maybe - but let's hear what you have to say. Is ther advance options available? I hear different things on that. How competitive are you in GEORGIA? What is your network reach like? Do you have coverage in rural areas or is it mainly metro areas?

For the sake of the board, I'll answer the questions but stop short of turning this into an advertisement - if you'd like a full on pitch as to why we're the right company to work with, feel free to pm me and I'd be more than happy to oblige.

1) There are advance options available - depending on specific situation - ie, individual agent's backround

2) We are not competitive in Georgia at the moment. I'm hoping to get a little more in the hunt as the year goes on

3) We access more than 70 PPO Networks throughout the country - both national players as well as regionals. So that question will really depend on the Network selected.

4) Our intent has always been to be the carrier for the smaller cities and rural areas. IE, We purposefully don't compete in the Chicago's of the world, but we love Rockford, etc
I would not trust IAC ...they have burned my clients in the past with Reliance...seems they have been thru about 2 or 3 company's since then.....
I would not trust IAC ...they have burned my clients in the past with Reliance...seems they have been thru about 2 or 3 company's since then.....

While I can understand that experience leaving a bad taste in one's mouth - those were not IAC products and to say that we've switched between more than 2 companies in past 20 years would be an exaggeration. The products we market were on Fidelity Security life up until we switched them over to Standard Security life last year. Both carriers hold the same AM Best rating and the switch was made solely based on the fact that SSL is owned by our parent company - which gives us more leverage at the carrier level and is more profitable at the IHC level.

Unfortunately in the past, senior management contracted out our TPA services for specified administrative functions to a number of other carriers and marketing organizations. As some of those other carriers / org's made less scrupulous decisions, upsetting both their field force and client base - IAC had the misfortune of being painted with the same broad brush.

There is a reason our company no longer administer's business for those outside parties. The products that are more under our control have been a stable player in the market for a good number of years - and I expect it to remain that way. (barring any major legislative changes - at which I'm hoping Atlas will shrug)
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Is there a website were we can look at the plans and run rates?

I can send you an email with plan descriptions as they're not located on a public folder but rates can be ran at

*Don't submit business unless you'd really like to give me credit. :1wink:
Why doesn't the website allow access to the plans and rates like all other carriers?
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Ran HSA rates for me (42) using a Denver zip. I don't see where they fit in to the grand scheme of things. When I added drug coverage rates were slightly higher than most other carriers. That I can't view the plans in the site is odd - typically a warning sign.
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Ran HSA rates for me (42) using a Denver zip. I don't see where they fit in to the grand scheme of things. When I added drug coverage rates were slightly higher than most other carriers. That I can't view the plans in the site is odd - typically a warning sign.

I'm biased towards IAC as well because I'm the above mentioned marketer, but IAC is competitive in some areas and not in others as is typical with any type of insurance. For that exact reason we're going to be marketing for them in SC where they're competitive, in some other areas it's not worth actively marketing.