Anyone Have an AIM Contract?

A good GI policy is somewhat of an oxymoron. IHC has something competitive, PM me if you want more info. Yes, I am recruiting.
What about TeamCorp? They have been around a long time with no complaints. Anyone have experience?

My Apologies then.

That seems premature. He could very well still be ignorant and/or full of crap. First post was recruiting and had a severe grammatical error. I'm going to go with undecided at this point, undecided but leaning towards ***.

And no, I am not recruiting

I've got to agree with Somarco here, Core Health is my prefferred....crap plan lol! Has it's place of course only for those who cant afford GI and something is better than nothing if it's explained right of course.

I've got a contract w/teamcorp and core health. Core (IMO) has better price/benefits compared to teamcorp plans so that's why I use them.

(Also not recruiting, don't have good enough contract to offer you anything special) I can count how many of these I've written on 1 hand but good to keep in mind sometimes
I attended the webinar.

The actual upline on this is Seth Cohen which owns Insurance Care Direct, a good sized call center in Deerfield Beach FL.

I will not work with them.

Add to the fact, that the writing agent is getting very little of the application fee.

I don't agree with having application fees just for the sake of making an extra $100 on a sale, but if you are going to sell a product that has one I feel the writing agent should get $75 of it.
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