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Anyone with experience with FinalExpenseAgents.biz

The problem with anyone pushing their product is that we do not want every other post with someone pushing their products. Then the board becomes cluttered with ads both legit and bogus...then everyone leaves.

This is why we have a section for insurance offers.
my closing ratio isn't as good as I think it should be.... My closing ratio is 25.9%.

We need to talk because if you are doing that well, and are willing to listen and try new things you can make a ton of money in FE....

For Example... If you were getting 25 fresh, new leads every week look what you could do... Even with your self proclaimed poor closing %

25 Leads
25% Closing Ratio
= 6.25 Sales a week (4 weeks a month)

=25 Sales a month. (AVG FE monthly premium is $50) ($600 AP)

$600 X 25 = 15,000 in AP

Subtract your monthly lead cost $1,500 ($15 per lead)

And depending on your Commission % you made somewhere between $12,000 and 13,500 for the month. Now the kicker is that you also only worked 2-3 days a week.

You will never make the big money in FE if you do not have a system that provides you 20-25 new leads a week. FE is a pure numbers game.

The next question is "How do I get 20-30 leads a week?"

Well you could call a lead shop and start ordering direct mail yourself...
Week 1 (Order 2000 mailers = $700)
Week 2 (Order 2000 mailers = $700)
Week 3 (Order 2000 mailers = $700)
Starting Week 4 you will start to see mail from your 1st week mailers coming in (mail houses use bulk postage a.k.a Super Slow. However to keep up with your system you still need to buy 2000 mailers for week 4.

So you are in the bucket somewhere between $2,100 and $2,800 before your leads start rolling in.

This is a high stakes game, if you have a couple of poor returns with your mail it is real easy to panic and that will effect your mindset working the cards that you do have.

You would also be a broker, and would find very little sales support or training aid from anyone. In theory like the Martingale (betting system) it sounds good, but their are only 2 other guys that I know on the board that have made this process work over a sustained period of time (Mr. Kuhn & Stratos) This may be for a tiny % of seasoned agents

The other way would get your self in a Lead-Co-Op and let someone else take some of the risk and pressure from you. Still being Independent and 100% vested from day 1. This is a more sustainable way to go for most agents, that want to make a GREAT living selling a (hassle free) product.
I'm sure he did mean .biz.

They are now focused on selling final expense by phone from home. Their latest website is finalexpensebyphone dot com.

It actually does work.. selling from home. I've been doing it for almost two months now, using their primary company (Americo) and it works a lot better than in person.

I was knocking on doors locally and then trying to set appointments and run local leads. The leads were costing about $25 each after about a 1.5% return. I would get stood up time after time after time... after driving from house to house. This got old pretty quick. It was great as long as the people were home. When they're not home, though, it totally sucks as a way to make a living.

That's why I tried phone selling of final expense. Using Americo, they don't require a voice verification and can take the signature without the agent witnessing it right now. Using the script, pre-approach letter and method from the guys (now at finalexpensebyphone.com) I have been able to reach a comparable level of sales as to having done the sale in person. :yes:

The difference, though, is that I can now "see" about three times as many people in a typical day as opposed to going in person. Oh, and I don't get blown away in the rain or snow either!

I'd recommend it to other new agents who are frustrated right off the bat, like I was, with the door knocking nonsense. It works, sure, but who wants to find people at home 20% of the time??:no:


Sam, where do you get your leads?
The problem with anyone pushing their product is that we do not want every other post with someone pushing their products. Then the board becomes cluttered with ads both legit and bogus...then everyone leaves.

I missed this post before.

You must be reading a different forum from me. Every other post is already someone pushing their product/service...

It's bad, and continually getting worse.
The problem with anyone pushing their product is that we do not want every other post with someone pushing their products. Then the board becomes cluttered with ads both legit and bogus...then everyone leaves.

This is why we have a section for insurance offers.

that makes sense!!!

Yes it has been getting worse. I post at another board (local board for Radio controlled racing) and it is night and day. Here there are people pushing products all over. There you actually meet people at local races and know each other. Makes posting more personal.

Anyway...my advice, read the thread until it goes off topic, then stop because they rarely get back on track.

Anyway...my advice, read the thread until it goes off topic, then stop because they rarely get back on track.

Maybe the person that started the post, should start the post all over again, with what they 1st post if it gets off subject or would this be a bad idea?
Mark is right ...

Hoosierdaddy ... what is the Final Expense of those RC CARS ... doesn't seem too good if they are LOSI money.
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