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Bathroom Wall Removal and Replacement


New Member
:idea:Can u tell me if there's a homeowners ins. co. that covers the removal of a bathroom wall and replacement to repair plumbing under the house. The house I moved into has a plumbing problem which American Home Sheild will cover BUT they will not cover ripping out the wall and replacement in order to repair plumbling.
No, its probaly listed as existing damage, so no coverage

and if they did, it would probaly be under the deductible anyway, if you just bought the house, what did the inspection say?
Get a sheet rock knife and cut it out. Once you start you will see that it is something you can do. Then call any handy man to come in and put the sheet rock back in for you and mud it up. Paint it a new color and bam your done!
This is the problem...the home inspector said the shower was draining slow and probably need snaking and that was it (yes it was draining slow..real slow). A month later I called in AHS and they sent a plumbing co. out. The trap needs to be replaced and the pipe for some strange reason has concrete residue in it. In order to correct the problem the shower stall and wall needs to be removed. The walls are tile.
What upsets me probably a lesson learned the inspector should have done more. I could have came up with that solution of snaking...geezzz What are they getting paid for "just to look around"???
I did call the previous owner who said he would take out the shower stall and wall and replace it for $750. AHS covers the plumbing. What do you think..I'm new at this. Thanks
I think you look for another opinion......

Have the guy draw you a picture of what he wants to do and why....

the trap is below the shower. I could see coming in from underneath or through the bottom of the shower stall, but there is no real need to tear out the walls. The only thing above the floor level that deals with taking water away is the vent stack. Why does he need to go there?

Something doesn't sound right. Why does he need to have it all torn out, if it's just the trap?
There is no way an inspector is going to know much more than its a slow drain. They don't scope out the pipes, and he's right, most of the time its just unclogging the drain and its fixed.

I am confused though, is this house on a slab or on piers? If it has a crawlspace, why do you need to take the shower wall down? If it doesn't have a crawl space, this could be a much bigger problem.

That it is Dan, no crawl space. The wall has 2 come out...sigh..No problem except $750.00 for removal and re-installation. Atleast when AHS gets to the plumbing they can square it away once and for all......
well, odds are you have a $1,000 deductible so whats your point now...

And add in the surcharge for having a claim, and your pretty far in the hole.....

Suck it up buttercup and do it yourself, or have a handyman come in and do it, hell, I bet the contractor from AHS could do it and charge you even less since he is already there,
I agree. Probably just need to play it safe and hire a contractor. Will save you time and potential headaches in the end, though you'll lose some weight to your wallet.
if the house is old, i'll go with renting one of those air pumps for unclogging drains instead of snaking it.