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Bathroom Wall Removal and Replacement

This is the problem...the home inspector said the shower was draining slow and probably need snaking and that was it (yes it was draining slow..real slow). A month later I called in AHS and they sent a plumbing co. out. The trap needs to be replaced and the pipe for some strange reason has concrete residue in it. In order to correct the problem the shower stall and wall needs to be removed. The walls are tile.
What upsets me probably a lesson learned the inspector should have done more. I could have came up with that solution of snaking...geezzz What are they getting paid for "just to look around"???
I did call the previous owner who said he would take out the shower stall and wall and replace it for $750. AHS covers the plumbing. What do you think..I'm new at this. Thanks
I still don't understand why a wall needs to come out unless it's to access the line that runs from the shower to the main line out of the the house.

If my shower was draining slow and I thought there was something blocking it, the first thing I'd do is feed the flexible hose of my shop-vac in as far as possible and turn it on.
For my bathroom wall removal and replacement project, I found TUBSAFE incredibly helpful. Their ceiling ideas for bathroom transformations inspired me to create a cohesive look. Check out TUBSAFE for the best advice and ideas to elevate your bathroom design!
Thanks Juliemily (A name that has 2 first names mushed into 1), I'm sure these people will appreciate the advice 12 years later. Also you're CLEARLY not trying to push that product on anyone, just an off the cuff recommendation