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Bed Bugs

I’ve had these exp’s being in many thousands of home . A 350 lb woman bent over to pick something up with no underwear on( wow). I’ve had bugs crawl on me at least 5 times . Even smashed them in the car . I had a 100 lb police dog come at one out of garage and snap at me ( was on chain) and caught my baggy crease and ripped a big hole in pants. Walked in a house in projects one day . At least 20 plops of dog crap on floor . She was on oxygen and had portable toilet full of piss and crap .She was smoking and moved mask and said “excuse the mess the maid didn’t come today . Wrote her a Gerber Gi and she died 7 mo the later . The worst I think was a woman with 10 cats and 3 litter boxes full of crap . She tried to cover smell with ammonia. I had to walk outside .I know these things would shake a lot of people up but not a one bothered me .
I've seen all that.

Once on my 1st call of the day, I sat down on the couch of a client to write him an additional policy. I sat in the spot where hid dog liked to piss. When I gotdone, I had to drive home 25 miles to take another shower and change clothes. I went in his house a couple of times after that and went straight to the kitchen table where the chairs were covered in plastic.

I've had several times where I had to keep flicking roaches off the app while I was filling it out and the people didn't seem to notice.

Once a lady let me in and told me her husband was putting some clothes on and for me to have a seat in the green chair, it was the best chair. Before I sat down, the husband comes in and says, "before you sit down, you should know we're infested with bed bugs". I told him thanks for the warning, I'll just stand. They couldn't qualify for anything but dental and I didn't want to risk bed bugs over a small dental policy and politely got the hell out of there.

One time I parked on the street and started to walk up to a house working a DM lead on a hot summer day. All the windows were open and full of cats. I'm sure she had at least 30 cats.... a true "cat lady". I got 1/2 way to the house and about got sick from the smell of cat piss. I said f*ck that shit and got back in the car.

I could go on and on. There are some nasty filthy people out there. The one's I mentioned were all Med Supp. It's not just FE people that live in filth.
Last yr I’m at a woman’s house and i swear a 8 inch rat runs across the floor . She didn’t seem alarmed at all . I agree its a very small % of homes like that .I still commend any woman that does this . Not so much the dirty homes but some of the isolation of homes and a nice looking woman could have some danger. We deal with some people with some questionable backgrounds .
Last yr I’m at a woman’s house and i swear a 8 inch rat runs across the floor . She didn’t seem alarmed at all . I agree its a very small % of homes like that .I still commend any woman that does this . Not so much the dirty homes but some of the isolation of homes and a nice looking woman could have some danger. We deal with some people with some questionable backgrounds .
The rat might've been a pet. :twitchy:

Do we only pray for the ones in houses we deem worthy?
Well we all need prayer but sadly I find myself mostly praying for the ones that prompt me to think of it and that is usually the rougher situations. It’s not usually the dirtiness or financial situation that makes me think to pray for them. Prolly most often is because they tell me about something they or their family is going through or they are in a bad health situation that makes me thankful to currently be healthy myself.
Do we pray for them even if they don’t buy from us?
Absolutely. My heart hurts equally for people goin through tough things whether they buy or not. Lots of times I’ve even prayed with the person before I left and many of those people didn’t buy. My goal is to be a blessing to every person I get in front of. If that’s selling them a policy to protect their family then great. If that’s just giving them an ear to talk to for a couple minutes when they haven’t had a visitor in a while then that’s fine too. With that approach I leave every house with a feeling of accomplishment and the no’s I get don’t get me down.