best pass word manager suggestions


5000 Post Club
hey what's the best password manager, I have been using robo form but there are some carrier sites that just don't work with it, and its not easy to adjust always when there are password changes there are duplicates

However I do love the way I can section everything into folders with subfolders and sections

Also are there any where I can give some one access to some passwords but not all of them?
I have used the password manager built into Chrome for years. IE and Firefox also have PW managers . . . I imagine Safari does as well.

Third party PW managers have had security and compatibility problems over the years. LastPass has been a dumpster fire for a few years now.

Bitwarden gets high marks but I have never used them.

Others . . .
hey what's the best password manager, I have been using robo form but there are some carrier sites that just don't work with it, and its not easy to adjust always when there are password changes there are duplicates

However I do love the way I can section everything into folders with subfolders and sections

Also are there any where I can give some one access to some passwords but not all of them?
I use Zoho Vault
I use Zoho Vault

This one looks intresting

Only thing like all the others the videos only show you what you can do when you are in the site

But they never show what it is like when I am needing to open a site
I think a lot of them require you to either pull up the site your self or open a busy looking interface this is what I am concerned about

what I would like to know is will it work like roboform in the sense that I can use it to organize and easily find websites I need fast

I have folders for dif things like Med Supp , Med Adv, ACA, CRM, Email

but in each folder sections there are subfolders for each carrier and some with subfolders to the subfolder, or 2 deep subfolders

I have one for med supps but one deeper is dead supps for the ones that are no longer active

all this works by drop down from Icon on the top bar

I need something easy to navigate, to find and pull up websites fast
This one looks intresting

Only thing like all the others the videos only show you what you can do when you are in the site

But they never show what it is like when I am needing to open a site
I think a lot of them require you to either pull up the site your self or open a busy looking interface this is what I am concerned about

what I would like to know is will it work like roboform in the sense that I can use it to organize and easily find websites I need fast

I have folders for dif things like Med Supp , Med Adv, ACA, CRM, Email

but in each folder sections there are subfolders for each carrier and some with subfolders to the subfolder, or 2 deep subfolders

I have one for med supps but one deeper is dead supps for the ones that are no longer active

all this works by drop down from Icon on the top bar

I need something easy to navigate, to find and pull up websites fast

I think there are folders but I don't use them. There is a search box - I just type uhc when I want to bring up the uhc password for Jarvis. I believe I have them sorted alphabetically so sometimes I just scroll to the password that I need.
Roboform looks interesting and simple to use.

My knock against third party PW keepers is they are often slow to fill in the PW. At least one I used (Aura) was unable to handle multiple PW's for the same URL.

The bank I use has my personal account and business account. Same URL, different login responses. has no problem filling in the correct login responses for my personal account vs business and is much quicker than LastPass, Aura and the others I have tried.

Using Chrome browser, I have a bookmark bar at the top that automatically takes me to "popular" sites and logs me in. The bar has space for about 10 bookmarks . . . if you need more save them in your bookmark folder which can be organized in different ways.

Roboform is visual, Google bookmark and others are textual.
Roboform looks interesting and simple to use.

My knock against third party PW keepers is they are often slow to fill in the PW. At least one I used (Aura) was unable to handle multiple PW's for the same URL.

The bank I use has my personal account and business account. Same URL, different login responses. has no problem filling in the correct login responses for my personal account vs business and is much quicker than LastPass, Aura and the others I have tried.

Using Chrome browser, I have a bookmark bar at the top that automatically takes me to "popular" sites and logs me in. The bar has space for about 10 bookmarks . . . if you need more save them in your bookmark folder which can be organized in different ways.

Roboform is visual, Google bookmark and others are textual.

Robo form is great for organizing, My problem is it sometimes duplicated when there are password changes

some sites don't work in it UHC, Gmail and Anthem come to mind

Sometimes i try to update a password change manually and it shows changed but it does not work when I fill

The majority of stuff works but there are just somethings

But the drop down If I need med supp or quotes or this or that I can just drop down go to the right folder then subfolder and see my choices
Has anyone graduated beyond these, to using a hardware security key? Something like Yubikey ?

I was looking into this recently, for extra sensitive items. 2FA is nice, but using a phone number seems to be increasingly less secure.

Authenticator apps are also nice, but when you get a new phone, and forget to port the app to the new device, you are in a bind.

Some people say using a hardware security key as the backbone to your bit warden account is also a smart move
@GoPokes a few years ago my son gave me a Yubi Key and told me that was more secure than what I do now.

Problem for me was . . . I have a desktop that I use most of the time but also have a few laptops. Some are used at home, some on the road.

It's challenging enough to login to a site and have to hunt for my phone to see the Authenticator app, or look for the code text on my phone. Now I need to find my Yubi Key too?

I ditched the Yubi, haven't tried the "new and yet unproven" passkey because new things don't always work as well as promised.

All these gadgets sound great for someone that only has one computer but not for folks like me.