creative suggestions for Rx creditable coverage evidence for 12 years

Trying to follow your shorthand . . .

You have a prospect who has worked at least 4 different jobs (with Rx benefits) over 12 year since turning 65 . . . and hopes to prove continuous, creditable coverage to avoid a penalty?
Is this for LEP appeal or for the initial attestation? No proof needed for the attestation. If for the appeal, here's a couple ideas: they can check with the carrier to see if they have proof of the creditable rx coverage. A few of my local carriers issue the letters for their insured groups. You could also check with the insurance carrier to find out who the group's broker was; the brokers around here often create the groups' benefit books and include the rx notice in them, so the broker might still have a record.
Re "creative"

See my comments in this thread:

when this situation has gone to LEP computation