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Best Place to Buy Direct Mail B Leads?

is there any place to buy direct mail b leads for $5 or less?If so who sells them?

Yes, you can buy all the B leads you want for $2,79 each. They come from at least 3-different sources. Travis is convinced that MSPM is one of the sources. I'm not so certain. I'm pretty sure that Monumental/TransAmerica is one of the sources. Don't know that for 100% either.

They look exactly like good A-leads but they are 6-months to 2-years old.

I don't know whether the original agent who bought them signed off that they could be resold or not. If not, it's a dirty stunt for his agency or lead vendor to resell them on him. I'm not as judgmental as Rick on agents who buy them. If they are available in your area and you need a large supply of cheap leads for cheap dollars, someone else will buy them if you don't. Why give your competitors an unfair advantage?

It's another reason that agents need to deal directly with their lead vendor with no middlemen. You want as few of people seeing and having a copy of your leads as possible. If YOU are buying from the lead vendor you know that no one has agreed to anything but you. For best protection you can have your own BRM and have the leads sent directly to you. That way even the lead vendor himself could never see a copy. No one could ever resell them. The next best protection is to deal with lead vendors that you trust and deal direct. Your up line should never be in the loop between you and your leads. Up lines who get a copy of your leads are the worst offenders.

FexContracting is by agents for agents. Do we want our agents leads to be sold as B leads? Not in a million years. Do we care if our agents want to buy leads that their competitors have paid full price for? As long as it's legal, I see that as perfectly fine. It's a competitive advantage. We want all of those we can get.

So the short answer is contract through FexContracting.com to sell Mutual of Omaha and TransAmerica at 115% first year and 10-year renewals and get all the $2.79 cent B-lead direct mail leads you want. That's a great business plan for any agent who is struggling to get going and build up his business.
Unfortunately I'm already contracted with those carriers with another IMO at very good Fyc's. I find it hard to believe that yig and Fex contracted under them and around 1 yr are so are the only imo's with access to dm b leads when there's 100's of huge imo's out and many mail house selling b leads. Some other names fella's.
Unfortunately I'm already contracted with those carriers with another IMO at very good Fyc's. I find it hard to believe that yig and Fex contracted under them and around 1 yr are so are the only imo's with access to dm b leads when there's 100's of huge imo's out and many mail house selling b leads. Some other names fella's.

Equita, Securus, Lincoln Heritage. But be prepared for a comp cut.
Yes, you can buy all the B leads you want for $2,79 each. They come from at least 3-different sources. Travis is convinced that MSPM is one of the sources. I'm not so certain. I'm pretty sure that Monumental/TransAmerica is one of the sources. Don't know that for 100% either.

They look exactly like good A-leads but they are 6-months to 2-years old.

I don't know whether the original agent who bought them signed off that they could be resold or not. If not, it's a dirty stunt for his agency or lead vendor to resell them on him. I'm not as judgmental as Rick on agents who buy them. If they are available in your area and you need a large supply of cheap leads for cheap dollars, someone else will buy them if you don't. Why give your competitors an unfair advantage?

It's another reason that agents need to deal directly with their lead vendor with no middlemen. You want as few of people seeing and having a copy of your leads as possible. If YOU are buying from the lead vendor you know that no one has agreed to anything but you. For best protection you can have your own BRM and have the leads sent directly to you. That way even the lead vendor himself could never see a copy. No one could ever resell them. The next best protection is to deal with lead vendors that you trust and deal direct. Your up line should never be in the loop between you and your leads. Up lines who get a copy of your leads are the worst offenders.

FexContracting is by agents for agents. Do we want our agents leads to be sold as B leads? Not in a million years. Do we care if our agents want to buy leads that their competitors have paid full price for? As long as it's legal, I see that as perfectly fine. It's a competitive advantage. We want all of those we can get.

So the short answer is contract through FexContracting.com to sell Mutual of Omaha and TransAmerica at 115% first year and 10-year renewals and get all the $2.79 cent B-lead direct mail leads you want. That's a great business plan for any agent who is struggling to get going and build up his business.

Travis is "convinced" MSPM resells leads? I thought he had proof?...:skeptical:
Readern if the case that only career type outfits buy those b leads then I was wrong and they're crap leads that are no different than buying a list of older people and cold calling as the proofs in the pudding most of those salesman fail miserablely.Heck I bet just calling a list and telling everyone they sent a card in would be as good as nobody would remember sending the card in.
Readern if the case that only career type outfits buy those b leads then I was wrong and they're crap leads that are no different than buying a list of older people and cold calling as the proofs in the pudding most of those salesman fail miserablely.Heck I bet just calling a list and telling everyone they sent a card in would be as good as nobody would remember sending the card in.

You're probably right. Try it out.
Lol all the b leads I asked about were for a $3 an hr indian telemarketer to blast 50 calls a hr with.
At these "captive/career shops", or anywhere the manager can cherry pick the "B" leads they can work for a select few of their "crony" agents.

I would avoid this type of situation.