Best way to Generate your own leads

That is certainly a different philosophy.

Reminds me of an agent I worked with years ago. Father and son team.

Dad was a prince.

Son was a jerk.

Son asked me to go along on the interview to discuss setting up a pension plan for the owner. I was late 20's at the time and the son had never given me the time of day. Even told me I would never make it sales because I was too nice.

In spite of that he admitted he knew nothing about pension plans and wanted my expertise.

So we went to see the man.

Son went first. Laid out reasons why the man needed another $1M in permanent life insurance to provide liquidity for his estate.

The man shook his head and said, "I think I have enough insurance already. Believe I will pass"

The son slammed his briefcase shut. Stood up. Looked at me and said "Come on Bob. We are leaving"

As we walked out the door he turned to the man and said "Dammit, you DESERVE to die without the insurance"

Complete silence as we rode back to the agency.

When we walked in, the son's secretary told him the man called and wanted son to return and take the application.

Son waited an hour, then called. He told the man "I am not coming back. You can come here".

I still can't believe it. That is how to handle the take away close.
Mostly party lines . . .