Best way to thank a referral?


100+ Post Club
Besides an occasional gift card. What kind of ideas does the community have for thanking a another agent for a referral. I know there are a lot of potential issues here, but looking for some creativity. Perfect example is a personal lines P and C agent who does not write life insurance. PC agent sends someone to a friend across town to quote and write a policy. Lif policy gets written by friend. Friend wants to say thank you in some way.

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I spoke at The Professionals' Forum in Nashville this year. One of the other speakers, Arwen Becker, sent out a wonderful "gift basket" to other speakers. My referral coach, Sandy Schussel, wrote about it as he also received one.

I spoke at The Professionals' Forum in Nashville this year. One of the other speakers, Arwen Becker, sent out a wonderful "gift basket" to other speakers. My referral coach, Sandy Schussel, wrote about it as he also received one.

Thanks for the share!! I will check it out.
Besides an occasional gift card. What kind of ideas does the community have for thanking a another agent for a referral. I know there are a lot of potential issues here, but looking for some creativity. Perfect example is a personal lines P and C agent who does not write life insurance. PC agent sends someone to a friend across town to quote and write a policy. Lif policy gets written by friend. Friend wants to say thank you in some way.

Keep in mind, in most states you cant pay/provide a gift because it is written & vice versa, no limits on paying/providing gift for every referral

Just mentioning this so you can keep that in mind when deciding on what you want to do for the person.

If you know their tastes/hobbies, etc I think the most thoughtful thing would be related to where they like to eat, what they like to do as hobby or where they volunteer, etc

If it is an ongoing reqular referral source like a mortgage company that refers you substantial business each month, buy them a coffee maker that grinds coffee. Put a branded item on it that says "compliments of XYZ", get some mugs made with your logo/name on them & then drop them off some coffee beans every month
Great ideas, Keep them coming. I am aware of the regulations, I'm just looking for ideas and this is not for me, but a young agent getting started.
Thanks for the share!! I will check it out.

What was so unique was that she champions women and her gift was all about supporting women-owned businesses. (Although the book was written by a man - not quite sure how to interpret that part - lol.)

It completely fit her message, theme, and focus while supporting other 'like' businesses.

This was on top of the books she gave away at the conference too.

Besides an occasional gift card. What kind of ideas does the community have for thanking a another agent for a referral. I know there are a lot of potential issues here, but looking for some creativity. Perfect example is a personal lines P and C agent who does not write life insurance. PC agent sends someone to a friend across town to quote and write a policy. Lif policy gets written by friend. Friend wants to say thank you in some way.

There are no issues as long as you don't make it contingent on a sale.

COI (like another agent) for me is different than a customer. I have some nice branded stuff (like Yeti and L. L. Bean) for client referrals.

For someone like a P&C shop or an accountant, I offer more b2b stuff like sponsoring a mailing or chipping in for their client appreciation party at the end of the year.

That should also keep you out of any "nominal" gifting limits since it's promotional/business-related.
There are no issues as long as you don't make it contingent on a sale.

COI (like another agent) for me is different than a customer. I have some nice branded stuff (like Yeti and L. L. Bean) for client referrals.

For someone like a P&C shop or an accountant, I offer more b2b stuff like sponsoring a mailing or chipping in for their client appreciation party at the end of the year.

That should also keep you out of any "nominal" gifting limits since it's promotional/business-related.

Bourbon is always nice.