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Blogs Blogs Blogs

Anybody know how I can get my site on the first page of Google for California Health Insurance?
But does all of the blog posting and unique articles, and time spent articulating your ideas or plagiarizing, equate to additional business being written? Or is this more like shooting arrows into the fog, and hoping it works.
Everything except the plagiarizing does help. In my blog, I wrote an article about Billy Mayes and his info commercial(s).

I wrote a policy directly from that article.

And one would have thought that Billy already had insurance... go figure. Nice that he called you Chumps. ;)

Seriously, that is pretty cool that you obtained biz from the article, and a right smart idea to write the article on the subject... creative, I would say.
Blogs are interesting, as is what drives it.

My co-blogger is really the brains behind our blog. He knows how to tweak it and get a lot of eyeballs. He has one of the top insurance related blogs in the country. We have carved out a niche that seems to get a lot of readers.

Can't say either of us have written much business off it, but it is fun none the less.

But does all of the blog posting and unique articles, and time spent articulating your ideas or plagiarizing, equate to additional business being written? Or is this more like shooting arrows into the fog, and hoping it works.

It works very well for me.

It's not an "overnight" type deal, it takes some time to build momentum - but it works.

Not to mention it's much more effective than stuff like cold calling, and way more fun too.
Not knowing anything about this, let's say I committed to running a blog and writing content on a regular basis (daily?), how would you go about converting it into leads?

Do you set the blog up independent of your website? Do you link it to your website to convert traffic to leads? I'm curious to how this actually works, not just the theory behind it.