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Blueprint for Success for New Agents

When cold calling today with the "do not call list" how do you know who is on the list and who is not?
Go Yankees. I'm hoping for a 27th title. Just because I live near Philadelphia doesn't stop me from despising, in no particular order, the Phillies, Flyers, Eagles, Sixers, Soul, Villanova, LaSalle, St Joes, etc etc.

OMG, Tom, I hope that my buddy Sal from South Philly doesn't see this. You could be a marked man with a heavy contract on your head. Personally, as long as you didn't mention Temple and PennState I really don't care one way or the other.:no:
Wow not much help! sorry I asked!!! Who is Luke.:no:

This forum is like my avatar.....always open for advice and you just hung the closed sign!!!!!!!
I believe the federal DNC website allows you to cross check your list within a limited number of zip codes you choose from (five?). I've always worked B2B, so I've never looked into it very far.
Nice post, Tom...and I agree.

I was a licensed agent here in Ohio about 15 years ago, and am looking to get back into the business. A lot has changed with technology and marketing in that time, but I'm a firm believer that this is still a handshake business.

There's only ever so much you can accomplish by phone. With people being bombarded by telemarketers daily, social media, in a business this personal...YOU MUST get out there and be willing to meet people face-to-face or you're going to have limited success. Maybe things are different in "the big city", but if you're from a rural area like me, nothing seals more deals than looking someone in the eye.

There's only ever so much you can accomplish by phone. With people being bombarded by telemarketers daily, social media, in a business this personal...YOU MUST get out there and be willing to meet people face-to-face or you're going to have limited success. Maybe things are different in "the big city", but if you're from a rural area like me, nothing seals more deals than looking someone in the eye.


I agree with you. It is my belief that most people nowadays will not answer the phone when it's coming from a number they don't recognize. They will instead wait for you to leave a vm and if they aren't interested, they will simply delete your message and not return the call.

I agree that face-to-face is a great way to prospect. I do also believe that leads are a good investment as well however (depending on the type of lead of course). I say to try a bit of everything. You never know what will work. :yes: