Can You Make Money Selling Medicare Advantage?

I think the answer to your question is "it depends".

If you work a rural or semi rural market the answer would obviously be no. I happen to work in a market where the MAPD offerings from several major carriers such as UHC, Humana, Healthsprings, Aetna, are very rich in benefits. They seem to all have very strong networks with very reputable doctors and all major hospitals are included. In the five years that I have been in this market I have not run into any major issues related to coverage. I make a mid six figure income. I don't buy leads. I do grass roots marketing and I help a lot of people with their problems when they can't find their agent. I answer my phone when it rings and I return phone calls. And yes, I also sell med sups. I got contracted with Frank for those.
I really don't care what Grod earns. I can't pay my bills with his income.

But if he really was making $500k, I was going to have to rethink my position on MA plans.

$500k is a nice neighborhood.

$150k isn't bad, but $500k is much nicer.
If you are in FL and not doing MA plans, I hate to say it but you are missing out on a lot of $. Over half my sales are MA plans because they are very rich in benefits in FL. A lot of agents in this thread live in other states where MA plans cost money and have high MOOP.
I can give you two options....
1) Call me anytime @ 321-287-7331 and I'll be glad to take your MA leads
2)Take the AHIP and get trained, bring in the dough

Not sure what AHIP is. I'm almost done with my UHC/AARP certification though.

Is AHIP something separate I need to do?