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Best companies in Georgia for P&C clusters?

I recently decided to leave a captive agency after 2 years. I want to start my own independent agency one day but for right now I just want to sell insurance from. I'm in Georgia and I really don't know anything about getting appointed with p&c companies. I would like to work up under someone and get some experience. Are there companies out there that allows you to use their appointments and software? I have both p&c and l&h. Any Suggestions?

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Depends what you want to do. Most agencies will hire a producer on commission and let them do this. Just go ask any of your local independents.

If you want to write for yourself while you figure out how to proceed, you can use services like Superior Access, which gives you access to many carriers and a rater to use. They charge a nominal monthly fee, but its not bad. You can rewrite the business elsewhere when you get your own appointments, meaning in essence, you own the business though it has their brokerages name on it. There is no handholding here though. You also do not have binding authority so it makes it a bit slow.

With services like superior access, you'll want to pick up some easy to get non-standard carriers pretty quickly and then start working on your own appointments with preferred carriers.

You might also want do to some research into clusters. They can help with this transition and solve the getting appointed problem. Clusters are a commitment though but its getting so that in many areas, they are almost a requirement to get appointed with various preferred carriers.

There are some resources on this site if you want to do some research:
P&C Aggregators-Clusters-Alliances - Insurance Forums - World's Largest Insurance Community

The cluster that I see as the most 'popular' (not necessarily the same as the best) is SIAA at SIAA

I have no specific knowledge in Georgia, so I can't help with specifics.

Message me I have an opportunity for this in GA. However most aggregates and carriers require an office.

I work from home, but am zoned commercial and have a front office door entry. However I did not start that way. When I began, I was an unusual circumstance because of my location, and there were no other Insurance Agents in my area therefore companies were happy to sign me.

Best advise is to speak with the companies you wish to contract with and find out what their requirements will be and go from their.
I am in the same situation as you are. Have you decided on an aggregator/cluster? If you have, please let me know. It has been very difficult for me since I started my own agency. Struggling.
PM me A cluster group has been great we are in our fifth month. There's three of us and I think we are averaging 60 to 70,000 in premium month
It can be very difficult to get carriers in that situation. Sometimes cluster groups even want three years experience

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