Cancer Plans??

Was diagnoised with thyroid cancer 3 weeks ago. I been approved by Medico for first occurance lump sum of $ 25,000. Waiting for my check, should get it next week.

Very sorry to hear that and best of luck for a quick treatment and resolution.

The more I look at CI the more interested I am in moving towards making it a big part of my practice.

Recovering from surgery now. I'm hoping to be back in the feild in June. I going to be pushing the hell out of cancer plans when I'm back.
Cancer plans make sense for some but not all. Some people have a family history full of cancer like me while others don't. My mother, father and just about every relative I can think of had cancer so for me it's more a matter of when then if. That's why I smoke light cigarettes and drink light beer. I avoid Teflon pans too.
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Was diagnoised with thyroid cancer 3 weeks ago. I been approved by Medico for first occurance lump sum of $ 25,000. Waiting for my check, should get it next week.

Sorry to hear that. You have my prayers. The $25,000 will help.
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Cancer plans make sense for some but not all. Some people have a family history full of cancer like me while others don't. My mother, father and just about every relative I can think of had cancer so for me it's more a matter of when then if. That's why I smoke light cigarettes and drink light beer. I avoid Teflon pans too.

Why then would you smoke at all? My best friend was just diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. He is a 30 year heavy smoker.
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Was diagnoised with thyroid cancer 3 weeks ago. I been approved by Medico for first occurance lump sum of $ 25,000. Waiting for my check, should get it next week.

I hope you have a speedy recovery. May I ask if you wrote your plan or someone else? Did you have a CI or cancer only? Again best of Luck to you!
A good cancer plan is a good tool to have in your bag for a Columbo type sale. After you stand up and are headed out the door you stop and say something like,
"Oh! I almost forgot I have a great cancer plan that is affordable and pays . Is that something you would like for me to show you?"
Sorry to hear that. You have my prayers. The $25,000 will help.
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Why then would you smoke at all? My best friend was just diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. He is a 30 year heavy smoker.

I was kidding. Haven't smoked in 10 years, since I got married again and then I was only a social bar smoker. And I NEVER drink light beer. Yuengling Black & Tan tonight.
Never heard anyone say that a cancer plan is the same as a critical illness plan.

I thought cancer plans covered cancer only. When YOU say cancer plans, are your really talking about critical illness that covers 12-25 illnesses?


Not in my terminology.. A cancer plan covers cancer.. Some like CUL also have some benefits for some very obscure diseases.

CI not only covers caner but also covers at least heart attack/surgery, stroke an should have coverage for items such as severe burns, loss of ADLs, etc,

They are two different animals. As Xrac stated some reasons for cancer only are underwriting (no internal caner and no HIV, they qualify) and cost.

Having experienced both heart attacks along with open heart surgery and internal cancer I can tell you that in most cases, if a person could only afford coverage for one, there is a greater need for cancer coverage than heart coverage (there are always exceptions). With heart surgery a person is normally able to go back to work within a few weeks. Plus, unless you have your surgery at the end of the year, you normally have only one MM deductible to meet. With cancer, treatment can continue for months and it is not unusual for it to cross over form one calendar year into the next which increases you medical out of pocket expense.

When you talk about family coverage, children are much more likely to have cancer than the other CIs. Often when children have cancer, both parents are having to, or at least want to, take off from work. Plus, you have a lot of non medical out of pocket expense.

You can sell a couple a decent expense incurred cancer plan for around $35.00 per month for the entire family. Can't get any where near that with a comparable CI.

All things said and done, it is a mater of opinion as to what is best to do but there are lots of people out there that want cancer coverage.. They just need someone to offer it to them.
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They just need someone to offer it to them.

I would have repeated your entire post rather than the last line because I really appreciate what you wrote. I am looking to divert some of my time to selling CI and perhaps I should have a cancer plan available as well.

You've convinced me that I need both. A CI policy would certainly cover more conditions but I'm worried about "cancer in situ" that might reduce the amount payable to 10% of the face amount. (As I said, I don't know enough about this). I assume a cancer policy paying a lump sum has no such restriction?

Maybe I should just talk to Nick as I know he and the have done webinars on this subject. I guess I could have listened in to what my partner had to say!


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