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Cannabis-Based Individual Insurance


New Member
What we provide in our policies are :
Employer Reimbursements
If you're at work and you have an accident, we'll make sure that your employer losses $0 due to the accident, thus giving them the only option of keeping you on the job.
Loss-Time Benefit
In the event that an accident causes you to be out of work for up to 7 days, we'll provide you with a daily benefit, until you return to work, whichever comes first. (this is not workers compensation)
Emergency Services
Whether it's dealing with the courts or law enforcement, or even Child Protective Services. With our lawyers on retainer and our customer service agents on hand. We make sure your lifestyle doesn't change while you consume.
We only ask that you consume responsibly.
These protections and more all under one policy, for just $200 Deposit, and just $30 a month.
If you have any questions, please respond to this email with your inquiry.
Green Choices Insurance Company


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1: Why would my employer care or accept the "reimbursement"? What does he lose if I'm out with an injury?

2: The daily benefit: How much?

3: How much lawyering is covered? A six-month long battle with CPS with 1,000 billable hours, or two 10-minute phone calls?

4: Is the coverage ONLY for accidents caused by being under the influence of cannabis, or all accidents? Would alcohol be included?

5: What state are you domiciled in?
Definitely not a scam. We prevent arrest.
Now Mr DI Guy,
1 no employer wants to lose money due to an accident at work. We help with that. Every situation is different and we handle them within the guidelines of the policy. They lose the value of your production.
2. Up to 10 days and up to $100/day
3. Our CPS cases only last up to 10 days. No extra cost for lawyers or bail bonds. That part is covered in your policy.
4. If THC is in your system at the time of an accident.
5. Denver, CO, but we cover all 50 states with satellite offices being opened in each one.
If someone has an accident at work and is found to be under the influence, I am not sure I would care if that person carried an indemnity policy which would pay me (the employer) back. I can find someone to take their place and make sure that there is not another accident which injures a fellow employee or my business. Alcohol is legal in all states yet I would fire any employee on the job drunk
do you help with the hiring process after I fire the doped employee? This person is a danger to himself/herself, fellow emplyees, my business. Why would I want to keep this person on staff?