Captives Have to Play by Different Rules Than Indepentents


1000 Post Club
A Captive agent was complaining (Rightfully so) that they lost a 40 year client due to some actions of some younger Captive telemarketers.

This was my response.

The email in the original post kills me. The Gent even recognizes it is the company driving him out. 80 years old and he has been trained to shop by your company and many others. He has been trained to think of INS. as a commodity. This might sound like hard words given the fact that your company created this situation for you, but what DID YOU DO TO make sure the client knew that insurance is not a commodity? What did you do to differentiate yourself from the other INS agents out there and what other lines could you have sold them to make leaving you a perceived harder process.

I can’t believe I am typing this. I am NOT defending Captive Carriers, they helped create a commodity driven culture in regards to ins. But how did you adapt to that? How are we all adapting to that?

If you are going to stay captive, you have to change your game plan, and chances are your FSL (District Manager or Field Sales Leader) is right. If 95% your agency is comprised of Auto and Home, it will not stick when the IA down the street can offer them Safeco for $662 less. You have to sell them what the IA doesn’t many times, because no FSL is making them. Captives you have to glue them to your agency. DO what your FSL says and sell more life. You have to play the game different than IA's play it so leaving you/ your agency is perceived more difficult.
I would love a 2018 discussion about this. I’m contemplating this currently. There is a captive agent in town that has some real estate agencies wrapped around his finger. Treats employees less than desirable and is shady to say the least.

I learned anything I know about servicing insurance and presentation from a captive outlet so I feel like I have an edge above the other independent agents but trying to figure out how to market myself like a captive agent but remain independent.

Any input on this after 4 years from the date you posted this or any others want to weigh in?