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Carrier Marketplace He Said She Said


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Have you ever noticed that when there is a problem with an application, or if there is an issue the carrier blames the Marketplace or the Marketplace blames the carrier.
For instance when your NPN is dropped the Marketplace says your transferred go speak to the carrier but the Carrier says it's a Marketplace problems and they need to solve it and they send you back to them.
I've wondered does the information really get to the carrier and maybe they secretly delete it so they do not have to pay their agents. Especially the companies that have no designated agent support or no specific way to self monitor your submissions.
Ever play the game "telephone"? Ever try to figure out who screwed up the message?

It's basically that. Errors happen at every step of the way, and they're all pointing fingers somewhere else so it's not their problem.

One company here says they don't get SA info, just GA. They've been paying SA comp to the associated GA, and the GA then has to contact all brokers, get client lists, and manually redistribute comp.

Other companies are paying SA's just fine and make no such claim.
I wonder why HC.gov doesn't record phone calls, log phone calls, log account updates, plan changes, previous determination letters, etc etc. There is no recourse.
I think I recall Marketplace mentioning that they can see where I called in before on a client.
The carriers can be just as cavalier about recording each call. I was shocked, shocked that reps at my BCBS carrier fail to record calls/take actions and I have had to call back 2-3 times to get some simple things done. My sense is some of the newer reps don't know how to do certain things, so instead of asking, they just let the call go. Now, I am recording names/dates of each call/call rep.
Neither side will even admit to a problem and if pushed they will blame the agent anyway, we are the lowest hanging fruit.
I wonder why HC.gov doesn't record phone calls, log phone calls, log account updates, plan changes, previous determination letters, etc etc. There is no recourse.
I've asked them that . They claim that call reference numbers never existed. Last year every time I called they would take my information and say "And the reference number for this call is" or was I dreaming.
Just my thought. It's to cover up when they make a mistake so they can pass the blame on to someone else or so there will be no record of conversations. I keep notes and document everything. They said any notes we take are irrelevant.
They should be required to document each call an get some E&O insurance.
If we worked like them we would all be sued. :1err:


Neither side will even admit to a problem and if pushed they will blame the agent anyway, we are the lowest hanging fruit.

This already happened. They deleted an application from a clients account. 2 30 day escalations 3 5-7 day advance resolution escalations. Finally admitted after ARC #4 that they said that the only way to solve the case is to be able the electronically cancel it but without the deleted app they cannot do it. I asked if the could call or email the company (to my knowledge that's an electronic record) they said no. But we will escalate it and see what we can do.
I asked if my client could get an exemption for a problem created by them. They said sorry there was no exemption for this. Frustrating.