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Client Relation

I don't have a FB account. But if I did how many 65 to 85 year olds could I friend? How's that going to look to friends and family when I have Mable, Pearl and Tilly Mae as friends?

To me this blurs the lines between professional and personal. Just because I do business with you doesn't mean I want to be be a part of your life and know your friends.

How do you determine who gets friended on the business FB and your personal FB. So if I want to infiltrate your circle of friends all I would have to do is buy a policy from you?

If you do something like this it is best to have a facebook account for your business.
I am in the process of a business facebook account. I do keep them separate. No reason to merge the two that I can think of that would benefit me or my business.
Here is my business FB page


This has been geared towards the positives of health care reform.

I am hoping that this could turn into not just a communication platform but a possible sales platform.
As our society changes I think client relations change along with that.

I am starting to connect to all my clients with Facebook and other social media feeds.

Has anyone else used this platform to stay in contact with clients?

Well, according to this article Lack of communication with brokers limits insurance coverage | Money Management Brokers and Employers aren't communicating properly.

Excerpt: "The survey found that 50 per cent of businesses relied on recommendations from colleagues in seeking information, while industry associations and broker recommendations lagged behind at 34 per cent and 33 per cent respectively."
I'll use my business Facebook page to "like" and "friend" other businesses in my area. Chamber of Commerce, Fire Department, restaurants, etc. Gets a little exposure through their other friends.
I would say employees, Facebook. Employers, LinkedIn.

I would have to agree with this. For employee benefits you need to connect with the owner or HR manager. Sure they might have a FB account, but that doesnt mean they want a vendor as a friend on their personal page.

You can connect with the actual businesses FB page. But they use that for advertising just like you do.

But the majority of HR directors and owners are on linked in and actively connect to vendors and business associates there.