CNN poll



CNN televised a health insurance poll:

89% of people who apply for health insurance are either denied coverage for health reasons or can't afford the premiums.

Those who do pay for health insurance spend more than 5% of their income on health insurance.


The 5% may be accurate for some income levels, but not others.

I wonder what portion of that 89% was for supposed health denials.

Horrible poll that will onle scare people from trying to get health insurance...what effect did they think this would have?
Polls are worthless without knowing two things:

1) How was the question phrased
2) Who was polled

"Poll just released shows 100% of people got denied health insurance." <poll conducted in the cancer ward of John's Hopkins University."

"Poll just released shows that 99% cannot afford health insurance." (poll conducted in the south east goverment housing projects of Chicago)

"Poll shows that 95% cannot afford their health insurance premiums" <poll question was "are you happy with your health insurance premiums?)

"Poll shows that 100% don't have access to affordable health insurance. (poll conducted in the Appalacian Mountains)
I whole heartily believe the CNN is in the back pocket of the Liberal wing of the DNC and from past expierence have no doubt CNN will place their so called objective nature in the back seat for their political beliefs. It is also no doubt that they support the notion of Socialize Medicine, so polls like these seem to address their political concerns more so then any real objective of journalism.
If "CNN" and "poll" are used in the same sentence, the word "smokes" should be in between. Why don't they poll people who don't have any health coverage and then wind up in the hospital with a triple bypass? Do you think those people would find a $200 monthly premium too expensive as they're desperately trying to figure out a way to pay that $150K hospital bill.

Bottom line, CNN and their polls are a joke.
Let's have CNN spend a week with me as I telemarket and go B to B so they can hear that 90% of everyone I contact is perfectly fine with their health insurance and rates.

They can hear me say "new affordable comprehensive plans" and watch people's reaction: "nah - we're fine."
Sam -

Assume your question is directed at me.

Yes, I was logged in. Just appears to have been lost in cyberspace. Probably zapped by Klingons . . .
I would not worry about the CNN poll or any news poll for that matter for 2 reasons:

1. People still watch CNN?

2. If they did see it, give them a day and they will remember something about a poll and health insurance being expensive. One more day and it will be "What CNN poll?"
john_petrowski said:
Let's have CNN spend a week with me as I telemarket and go B to B so they can hear that 90% of everyone I contact is perfectly fine with their health insurance and rates.

They can hear me say "new affordable comprehensive plans" and watch people's reaction: "nah - we're fine."

I believe it was Sen. Smuck from NY that called those people Life's Lottery Winners! I doubt if CNN would view it much more differently.