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Cold Calling Script-Sharing

Thank you Jerry. I appreciate it.

I once had a sales trainer that greatly influenced my sales presentations.

That is we need to create fear. That fear of loss will cause someone to make a decision faster than the possibility of gain.

If we can't show them the problem, they don't need us as a solution.

I want to incorporate this in my cold calling.

I'll try again.

Does anyone have script that they are willing to share for cold calling?

Thank you,

As I said, there are many on the forum. Try some of these threads.

Largest Insurance Forum on the net - discussion and advice on all insurance products, for agents and consumers - Search Results for cold calling script
For health insurance, my go to script for a number of years was this, calling on small business owners:

"Prospect, this is FT calling. We haven't spoken before, I'm calling you as a complete cold call. Would it be okay if I quickly tell you why I called?"

"I work with health insurance. I've spoken with a number of small business owners lately who are frustrated with their health insurance premiums (or who confused about the new Obamacare rules going into effect in 7 months), and I wanted to call and find out if that is a concern of yours?"

If so, ask for the details on what they have currently and go from there. If not, move on to the next call. I liked that the script did not specify group or individual, it just searched for pain. Ah, the good ole days!

(I didn't use the Obamacare portion back then, but would now if I still called for health)