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Cold Calling Without a Gimmicky Script

We can, if they're really interested, we could combine them. It can be done, it's just not appealing to me right now as I'm trying to get my business started. My DSC can have those, I need to learn the basics. I could also write for an individual, but we don't recommend it because in a group they get much better rates. I care about who I'm doing this for as well as helping support my own household, and I wouldn't want to sell 1 person and leave him with high premiums just to say I made one more sale.
"..... I need to learn the basics. I could also write for an individual...."
Ahhh...I didn't read the whole thread but I see you're a fresh, kool-aid drinking duck candidate. God Love Ya. (I didn't think they could write individual so you should add someone like Assurity....unless you're a captive).

You have no idea how many times I sat up straighter and shouted that at your post! You hit one nail on the head after another that I've been trying to ask and the points I've tried to make, and the stumbling blocks I have hit.

The trenchcoat with the watches line was a brilliant analogy to what I was getting at. I'm not just pitching a product, and if that doesn't work, well how about this lovely gen-u-ine gold watch if you don't like that there necklace.
If I come in with CI, and they have no use for it, thinking in their minds that the biggest problem they have is one of their salesmen brings in 90% of their revenue and what happens if he were hit by a bus on the way home, then they are going to tell me they aren't interested. I can't very well then say, OK, I have disability that would be great. Oh, you don't want that? How about I start a SIMPLE for you and your team? Hey, what's this cane around my neck pulling me out of your office?
This is how I have struck out on offering life insurance to individuals in residential neighborhoods, only to find out later that someone else went in and sold them on something different that I could have provided had I gotten to find out what that was.

All I want on initial contact is to get the chance to sit down and find out what's on their mind, how they want to retain employees, where their business is going, and help them plan that, straight through to the exit and retirement, with me along for the ride all the way. You are right that it's HOW to get there, then I'm fine. Put me one-on-one with someone, and my closing rate is pretty damned good.
I can take rejection because it's all part of the game, but I want a chance to know I did all I could first, and if it's not a fit, it's not a fit.

Thank you for understanding, and offering constructive advice. The "I want to partner with you" line does come off as cheesy, which is why I wanted to run it by folks like you to give me something smarter, but same meaning. I liked how you said "I don't know what's most important to you right now, but I can be of benefit to you in a lot of ways. That's why I use the (we call it a fact finder, or discovery tool) to determine how I can best be of service to you."

That's how I have pitched before in finances. Not selling a product, but the appointment, and myself as the one to help get them to THEIR goals, and to help them even understand what those might be through a getting to know each other discussion. As I ask questions about them, they begin to trust, as they see I'm not all about ME, but about THEM. I find out what's on their mind, that they have some hidden needs I wouldn't have known about, and other opportunities that I couldn't have seen right off. It takes about three appointments to get to the sale, but then you have sale after sale, referrals, and eventually, an advocate.

So, even in the intitial contact, it's what are the benefits of the appointment, in the appointment it's what are the benefits of the products, in the product closing, it's these features will lead to these benefits you've said you want/need, right?

I like your wording. Hope you feel better. I was sick for about two weeks this month. Sucks. It's really cool you've used your down time to be helpful to someone else.
LOL heard dat. doesn't help my burgeoning business that I've been sick since last Friday. Phone goals not being met here, makin' me anxious! I have had good responses in this thread, made my time worthwhile.
Hi MK - You have the right attitude. If you keep thinking of what is going to be best for te person you are selling to, and not about how many accounts you signed up this month, and if you get one more commission it will pay for that vacation you're hoping to go on, then it will happen.

I had one veteran in my office, whom I admire and respect, that if you just keep at it with a positive attitude, you'd be surprised what happens. It's like the karma gods send something your way, might not even be from those you just cold called, but it happens. And he's been right! If I go out there and put in 8 hours doorknocking, the next day someone I doorknocked two months ago calls me, saying, "I was wondering if we could get together and you help me out with some long term care questions I have."

Stay positive. As someone who is also new so I know how you feel, but has a bit more experience under my belt, let me tell you that's the hardest thing and most important. Pound the vitamin C and vitamin D. Get 2,000IU vitamin D and take it twice a day! The difference in energy and positive feelings will be palpable within a week.
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yer awesome. Yeah, I left a former career behind and embarking on a whole different tack at age 59 (and holding) gimme credit for more ball$ than brains, at least!
Here's an older article by Gene Mahn (past president of the MDRT), but might help with getting more phrases for working with families and business owners by discussing FFREEDM and BUSINES.

NAIFA's Advisor Today - My Best Sales Ideas

What he would do is create a one-page outline of these acryonyms:

[___] F

[___] F

[___] R

[___] E

[___] E

[___] D

[___] M

[___] B

[___] U

[___] S

[___] I

[___] N

[___] E

[___] S

Then after he explained each point, he would give the client his pen and ask him to rank in order of importance what he'd like to address.

There's also the "Menu of Services" approach too.


  • Menu of Services.pdf
    251.4 KB · Views: 27
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MK - Good for you! I'm doing a startover, too, and after 18 years doing something else, it's easy to feel the energy flagging more quickly these days. Energy will keep you happy and eager when talking to prospects. People can smell desperation, so that positive feeling is sooo important.

There are a lot of good people on this forum. They have helped a lot, even if it's just to give you a pick-me-up when you need it. Don't let the turkeys get you down -- they are few and far between on here.


DHK -- thanks! Those are questions I like to ask in that 15-minute interview, and this gave me a couple more and better ways to do that.

I appreciate it.
Absolutely! It helps keep me sharp.

The biggest objective in any kind of appointment setting, is to be so clear about the value you bring... that even if/when they say no... I know that they know what they are saying 'no' to.

So many approaches are so vague or dumb-down our services so much, that it sounds like all we do are pitch policies. But that's not all that we can do.

So if I can communicate my value clearly with benefit/result statements... it helps the other person to truly see "WIIFM" and be more open to an appointment with me.

This MLM-based newsletter also helps to illustrate the point. I just got this in my inbox this morning too:


Tom "Big Al" Schreiter here.

Why we are uncomfortable with prospecting.

Our sponsor says, "Please call all of your old classmates." We feel nervous about calling our classmates saying, "I haven't heard from you in 20 years. How are you doing? Do you keep your income options open?"

And we feel uncomfortable.

At the checkout line at the store, we look at the clerk and think, "I bet this clerk would be a good prospect for my business." So, we start our sales pitch by saying, "Do you believe in multiple streams of income and residual income over linear income?"

And we feel uncomfortable.


Because our subconscious mind is telling us that we have not built rapport with our prospect yet. We don't have our prospect’s trust and we know our prospect does not believe the great things we’re saying.

The first step in communication is building rapport. If we start our sales presentation before rapport is built, we naturally sense the resistance in our prospect.

Before the presentation, and even before the icebreaker, establishing rapport is necessary. The subconscious mind of our prospect reacts to certain words and actions, and makes an instant decision to trust us or not. As professionals, we need to manage these first few seconds properly.

If building instant rapport is difficult for you, here is a great solution. Discover 13 ways to build instant rapport, so that your prospect will love your presentation.

How To Get Instant Trust, Belief, Influence And Rapport! 13 Ways To Create Open Minds By Talking To The Subconscious Mind.

If you want to sign up for the newsletter, check out FortuneNow.com. I am not affiliated with that site, or with any MLM endeavor in any way. I just think he's got a unique way of communicating that anyone in sales can take full advantage of.