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Comey picked to keynote LIMRA 2018 Annual Conference

Well, it seems LIMRA has a sense of humor after all. Why not an ego-maniacal ex-FBI director. That hasn't happened before, has it?
You're being sarcatic...............aren't you? :huh:

Not at all. I would not have picked him if I was heading up the conference. But if you actually look at his career (NY prosecutor, DOJ prosecutor, Private Sector Consulting, Academic positions, and the FBI), on paper he is very well qualified to speak about ethics in business.

There are some on the extreme right who will hate him forever because he spoke against Trump. There are some on the extreme left who will hate him forever because he issued the statement about Hilary's emails.

He acted without allegiance to any political party... political extremists hate people like that.

But that is not a logical or rational reason to judge his ethics or qualifications to be a keynote speaker.
As you said, "on Paper" he may be qualified but his recent actions show his lack of integrity. By saying "on paper" is to ignore reality. By the time this conference begins he may be charged with a felony. Even now the DOJ is considering a referral for prosecution. The selection of this person is reflective of the values of LIMRA. What a terrible example LIMRA is to all the new agents seeking to being ethical career in Financial Services.
Just watch the fall out from this choice. Some people live in a world devoid of reality.
Was anyone on here planning to go and if so how does this choice affect your plans.
Well, for a 100-year old Marketing and Research Association... they certainly are getting agents to TALK about them. "Bad press is good press?"

But as Scagnt83 said - they certainly don't seem to care about attracting field agents to their conference. I believe the majority of agents are Conservative/Republican/Libertarians (certainly not all, but a solid majority). If there was a speaker to REPEL their end consumer, that's certainly a good pick.

Why does LIMRA exist again?
If he had conducted himself as an agent in the same way he has recently conducted himself as head of the FBI... would you really ask him his political views or just tell him he's a creep and needs to get his act together?

The comments on this thread are more indicative of everyone's political beliefs than Comey's ethics or the ability to speak about ethics.