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Common denominator = Hustle

Funny you posted that video. I have a friend that knows a guy who bought one of these trucks to wash out trashcans, who tried to get my friend to buy one as well so they could get more income and have a partnership. About 8 months later I saw his truck for sale on a "local businesses for sale" ad for about $250k.
Funny you posted that video. I have a friend that knows a guy who bought one of these trucks to wash out trashcans, who tried to get my friend to buy one as well so they could get more income and have a partnership. About 8 months later I saw his truck for sale on a "local businesses for sale" ad for about $250k.

I am sitting in a Mexican restaurant working and having an early lunch. A steady flow of gardener's trucks and crews flowing in and out. I would wager very few hourly workers in the group. Piece work = commission.
Hustle...Absolutely...Like "Charlie Hustle" used to say, do, etc. Play the game all out.

From the day I started in this industry, I've heard countless excuses -- the company this, my manager that, the product is to expensive, isn't competitive, bad market, no marketing, I don't have enough/any support, the office, this, that, the other thing, and so on and so on.

All of it falls under one and only one thing...everything, every issue, every problem in this business gets resolved, and has the same solution...with one thing...and that is...SEEING ENOUGH PEOPLE.

Seeing enough people drives production...production drives revenue/income...and that results in money, and with money you can solve any problem in your business.
After you buy that equipment, you'll need clients just like anything else and need to find those people to give you their money.

A lot of new and not so new agents suffer from paralysis through analysis. As The Coach said 'Just Do it's.

Also, aggressively getting ready. They spend all of their energy and resources dry firing. On the Ready, Aim and not enough fire.
excuses -- the company this, my manager that, the product is to expensive, isn't competitive, bad market, no marketing, I don't have enough/any support, the office, this, that, the other thing, and so on and so on.

Excuses - like something else, everyone has them and they all smell.

'It's not fair

If there was ever an easier business to get into with very little money and even less education I don't know what it is.
Or, an easier time.