Contracts with United Healthcare

I use to write my small groups. The guy I work with there is great for support but I've heard others say they're not happy.
Contact Lori Anderson lori_m_anderson at for contracting paperwork.

Easy and fast. They pay on a per head basis rather than commission % but there are also production bonus opportunities.
Easy and fast. They pay on a per head basis rather than commission % but there are also production bonus opportunities.
This varies significantly be region and case size. I believe that most of UHC's book is still paid on a % basis.
This varies significantly be region and case size. I believe that most of UHC's book is still paid on a % basis.

I think you'll find most carriers with UHC at the fore-front.... is paying a PEPM or Per Employee Per Month fixed rate.... in Georgia we're at $3.50 with 5,394 variations based on what is sold.
I think you'll find most carriers with UHC at the fore-front.... is paying a PEPM or Per Employee Per Month fixed rate.... in Georgia we're at $3.50 with 5,394 variations based on what is sold.

This is not correct. While there has been significant movement in the direction of PEPM, most carriers still pay on a % basis. UHC does this on some of their business, notably small group in a few regions, but the bulk of their national book is still paid on a % basis. Most other carriers are still paying a % commission.

I think PEPM is the right way to go and we prefer to get paid that way, but it has a long way to go before it is in the majority.