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Could It Work With Telemarketing?


:cool:I am a telemarketer. I am not advertising, and will not respond to pm. I am not spamming this forum. I will probably not get enough posts to join the offers section. I simply have a few ideas I would like to share on my lead generation process. Maybe you can use a little of my strategy.

I telemarket health and life leads for agents, keep them exclusive and generally do pretty well. I have a deal with a guy for $10 per contact with valid email adress, and enough info to quote. Then he would do a follow up call and do the real selling in a couple of days.

From my perspective it made it a lot easier, calling with the pitch, "Hi, my name is ......... and I am with Security Health Advisors. We are introducing some new health and dental plans for individuals, families and small business groups. Would you be interested to recieve an email quote from us,
just to see how we compare to your current provider?"

Of course when they say yes, I take down the requisite height, weight, age, smoker, pre existing conditions etc.

Then in closing I introduce the agent, "The agent local to you who will be preparing the quotes is ........, do you have a pen? I will hold so you can write his name down, got it? Great, now he will get those quotes together and do a follow up call in the next day or so, that way if you have any questions, you can ask then. If you like everything, he is local and you can defenitely set a time to meet with him."

Now this helps two fold, most agents want an appointment, or dont want you to say that the agent will send anything. Send is a "BAD" word in the lead generation world. However, using this process I am able to get Agent X a whole lot more leads, and in the process I make more money. See when I call and tell people I am so and so with xyz insurance company and have a local agent who would like to meet with them to discuss their insurance needs, people automatically become defensive becasue I am asking something from them. If I offer to get the agent to do some work, and then "just call" I can get a great deal more contacts.

Think about it, its basically the same thing you get out of internet leads, some tire kickers. But some great leads as well. However the telemarketing aspect adds some to the personalization of the process. Telling them who the agent who will be contacting them breaks the ice and the act of getting the lead prospect to write the agents name down makes them make a mental commitment. Also another key to the process is targeting, remembering that I am after business owners, not the employee behind the counter.
Re: Could It Work?

Sounds good. Of course, the only way to know is to go through a few hundred of those leads.

Maybe you can offer someone on the Forum 100 leads at half price and let him/her/cousin it report the results.
Re: Could It Work?

That wasnt my resume Chump... It was a blue print, now go find a monkey!:swoon:
I have worked these leads before, that is if you are talking about having the telemarketer get the prospect interested and have the agent call back as a follow up. Problem is that most of the telemarketers were pushy and would not get off the phone until the prospect shared the quote info. I would call the prospect back and they would tell me they were not interested and many couldn't afford anything anyway. The only successful agents got the lead info and showed up at the door. Your concept is not new.
I said this wasn't a resume, I am not looking for a job. I am not advertising. I just wanted to share a telemarketing technique that agents can use to get results. The monkey, well thats the lucky guy or gal that gets to make the calls for you. :err:
Thanks for your input. I, for one, appreciated reading your angle on telemarketing appointments. Keep up the good work and stay honest. You'll make a good living if you do.

And of course it's been tried before, there's nothing new about prospecting in our businsess in 60 years-except the technology to do it.
telemarketers have to eat and pay bills....that is what sometimes end up in bad leads.....