CoveredCA Losing Applications Online?


New Member
Who else has this problem. I submitted couple applications and just now I checked on the application because the health insurance companies are telling them we never received anything from CoveredCA and the application is gone. It just says Begin new application.

What a mess wow
In all honesty, I think you are doing something incorrectly that has resulted in your dilemma.

Are you submitting applications online as an agent through your agent portal? If so, what you are claiming does not happen. At least, it has not ever happened to me, and I've submitted some 200 applications since October 2013.

There are certainly some challenges that remain to be overcome at CoveredCA, but I've not heard of this one. If you've gotten all the way through an application to the point of selecting an insurance product, although there could be a problem with the data feed from CoveredCA to the insurance company, the application itself would not disappear from your client list if you are the agent of record.

Here's what I think your problem may be:

When I first began doing applications last year, I did not realize that I should be starting them from within my agent portal -- this was not made clear in the agent certification process. Instead, I was starting them the same as a consumer would, through the main CoveredCA portal, and then designating myself as the agent of record and having to go into my agent portal to "accept" the individual as a client.

This may be your problem -- by not starting applications through the agent portal you are not designating yourself as the agent of record. Still, a consumer's application would still be in the system, but unless you have the userid and password, you wouldn't be able to access their application. I was keeping track of all those as I was creating them for clients last year. After doing about 25 or 30 such applications, I discovered the easy way to do this right.

But even those early applications, once I was the agent of record, have remained in my "book of business" to this day -- whether they are Medi-Cal eligible or fully insured or never chose a health plan due to cost -- because I was designated as their agent. This is also true of others who started their own applications and later designated me as their agent because they were unable to complete the process on their own. To the best of my knowledge, only one person redesignated someone else as their agent of record, and it made no difference to me because they never chose to enroll in a health plan.
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