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COW or leap for people over 60?

Well, let's see:

1) This thread is in the Insurance Offers section... and I haven't posted in there for MONTHS.


2) It's not like I talk about it ALL THE TIME. In fact, it was only because it's "on topic" for this thread that I mentioned it. Okay, I do update my "sticky thread" on a fairly regular basis, but it's usually good stuff.

3) My signature file is actually a YouTube video of Ed Slott, in case you thought I was using that to promote The Breakaway League.

I guess you may feel somewhat offended that I answered a question with a resource that was on-topic for what he was asking? I guess I'm supposed to NOT offer what I'm doing when it's on-topic and let him make his own decision?

It's an interesting view you hold... unless I'm missing something?

Oh, we are connected on LinkedIn, so you may have been seeing a lot of my posts there too, so that combination of exposure may feel a bit much, but I don't always talk about The Breakaway League here on the forum.
Believe what you want.
Offended not at all....just saying what I think.
It seems you are offended maybe I hit a nerve.
If the website does not censure you that is their business.
As far as our linked in connection, I believe you solicited me.
Linked in is a forum to promote your business.
This forum is to provide unbiased info.
You are entitled to your opinion, as I am mine.
Will either one of these selling systems (or any others) work for people over 60? I am debating to start utilizing a selling system but I know absolutely nothing about them. I did go to a weekly leap meeting for about a month and really didn't learn anything. I don't want to spend six months learning a system because I'm old and I will forget what I learned in the beginning, so simplicity would be nice.


Neither are for you. I attended COW college this year and that was my first real exposure to the system. I think that COW is more "retiree friendly."

But there is a learning curve to both.