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Critique My P&C Cold Call Script Please


100+ Post Club
We are using this script/conversation to get P&C quotes. Let me know if you think its to long winded. I actually got this script from our telemarketing dept at Farmers.

Hi Mrs..or..Mr.., This is (_____) with your local Farmers Ins agency how are you today? Great? First off I want to let you know that I'm not calling to try and sell you anything, the purpose for my call is we have a office in your neighborhood and I'd like to ask you a few questions if thats okay.

Are you happy with your current insurance Program?

Has your current agent kept you advised as to why insurance rates have increased so much?

Usually by this point if they don't sound like they are mad or unhappy with their current insurance program we say thanks have a great day. If they are unhappy we tell them, well i'm sorry you are having that experience. We would love to give you a comparision over here at Farmers and see if we can save you money. All I need from you is a few bits of non personal infomation like, what vehicles do you drive...

Please critque. I bought MOJO so now I'm not sure if I should get a straight to the point script or use this one.

Also i've searched EVERYWHERE and i'll I can find on this forum is scripts for med cold calling. Any threads about p&c scripts? If not lets use this one to get ideas rolling.


Todd buy this book

How to sell more in less time with no rejection by art sobczak
it is a bit pricey, but very much well worth it.
There is tons of great how to concepts, real meat & potatoes stuff in the book.
Check it out I would recommend it.

ps you will get rejections.

On your script, take out the I am not trying to sell you something today line...of course you are, otherwise you wouldn't be calling.
Hi Mrs..or..Mr.., This is (_____) with your local Farmers Ins agency. The purpose for my call is to let you know we have a office in your neighborhood and we would like to ask you two questions if thats okay?

Are you happy with your current insurance Program?

Has your current agent kept you advised as to why insurance rates have increased so much?

This is my suggestion. Less wordy, more direct, less time. I hate it when a telemarketer asks me how I am today.
Hi Mr… or… Mrs… This is Kristin with your local Farmers Ins agency and the purpose of my call is to let you know that since we LOWERED our auto insurance rates, we have saved our clients a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money. In order to get you a FREE insurance comparison I only need to ask you a couple of quick questions, like what make and model of car do you drive?

Good script???
Todd, you are wasting your time at Farmers. If your good at selling and your ethical switch to an independent and sell a great home policy with Travelers, Hartford, Hanover, Safeco, etc...., instead of that wretched HO-2 Next Gen crap policy! And I bet you haven't been in this business more than 36 months otherwise your legacy book at Farmers isn't renewing because the rates on loyal, long term customers is exorbitant.
Todd, you are wasting your time at Farmers. If your good at selling and your ethical switch to an independent and sell a great home policy with Travelers, Hartford, Hanover, Safeco, etc...., instead of that wretched HO-2 Next Gen crap policy! And I bet you haven't been in this business more than 36 months otherwise your legacy book at Farmers isn't renewing because the rates on loyal, long term customers is exorbitant.

kman you don't have a clue what your talking about. In my area farmers is the most competitive insurance company. I made $7,800 last month on new business. I'm In my 7th month. I was third in my district in new business. Why the hell would I go independent. Sure I could make a 4-6% increase in commish but I wouldn't have the name to back me up or the marketing. I get 20 cent full letter mailers with our new program. Post cards are over 30 cents. I also get a free website, free matching marketing money...ECt... Sounds like you tried farmers but were to lazy to make it in the captive side. I'll stop my drunk rave now, in Vegas 1:47 am.
Hi Mr… or… Mrs… This is Kristin with your local Farmers Ins agency and the purpose of my call is to let you know that since we LOWERED our auto insurance rates, we have saved our clients a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money. In order to get you a FREE insurance comparison I only need to ask you a couple of quick questions, like what make and model of car do you drive?

Good script???

Everyone who calls tells me they can save me money before the even know anything about me. As soon as I hear that I hang up the phone.

Why are you using and stressing the word free? I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, neither have the others you are calling. We all know that there is no cost associated with getting a "quote".

How much is a "substantial" amount of money? That is going to be different to different people. Don't use it. Don't put conditions on you giving them the information, "In order to...". Offer to give them a proposal if they are interested.

To get their attention and generate interest I would start by clearly and slowly stating your first and last name.

Hello Mrs. Smith, my name is Kristin Jones, I'm with the local Farmers Ins Agency and the reason I'm calling is to let you know that we have lowered our auto insurance rates. I will be happy to give you a no obligation quote on your current vehicles to see if our new rates will save you money. How many vehicles do you currently have?

I would be willing to talk to someone who called me and stated the above. Start by asking the easiest question for them to answer, how many vehicles. This will help you begin to engage them in conversation. Nothing is ever sold during the phone call portion. You must first engage them in a relaxed, casual conversation.
Everyone who calls tells me they can save me money before the even know anything about me. As soon as I hear that I hang up the phone.

Why are you using and stressing the word free? I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, neither have the others you are calling. We all know that there is no cost associated with getting a "quote".

How much is a "substantial" amount of money? That is going to be different to different people. Don't use it. Don't put conditions on you giving them the information, "In order to...". Offer to give them a proposal if they are interested.

To get their attention and generate interest I would start by clearly and slowly stating your first and last name.

Hello Mrs. Smith, my name is Kristin Jones, I'm with the local Farmers Ins Agency and the reason I'm calling is to let you know that we have lowered our auto insurance rates. I will be happy to give you a no obligation quote on your current vehicles to see if our new rates will save you money. How many vehicles do you currently have?

I would be willing to talk to someone who called me and stated the above. Start by asking the easiest question for them to answer, how many vehicles. This will help you begin to engage them in conversation. Nothing is ever sold during the phone call portion. You must first engage them in a relaxed, casual conversation.

great simple, straightforward script. I am with State Farm and I will begin using this script.
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Todd, you are wasting your time at Farmers. If your good at selling and your ethical switch to an independent and sell a great home policy with Travelers, Hartford, Hanover, Safeco, etc...., instead of that wretched HO-2 Next Gen crap policy! And I bet you haven't been in this business more than 36 months otherwise your legacy book at Farmers isn't renewing because the rates on loyal, long term customers is exorbitant.

It is interesting that you should post this. I am currently a producer for a State Farm agent, and I am actually considering between the Farmers agency program vs. independent. The problem that I am having with independent is finding a GA in Oklahoma that i can get my appointments through. Any advice?
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