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Dave Ramsey fires employee for getting pregnant

False christian leaders do I can say most on TV would fit that disc

I'm saying with every step up in every Job I got and even now as independent there are plenty of Black and other minorities that have that very same opportunity

Every minimum wage job I had I was outnumbered Every sale and higher position also hired without discrimination

In Sales, there were many minorities that came in and there were always a few that did as well and few that did exceptionally and all of those were accepted and part of the team we all got along they made as much money and got as much respect as everyone else

However, there were always those that did not do well some because of lack of talent this very same thing you see in white people I mean most sales jobs I had would hire 20 and fire 18 then rinse and repeat to find the keepers

It was always production-based never based on race or gender

And there was always a good number that would have the attitude everything is racist and purposely not work hard be late every day and just poor performance and then blame their issues on racism

I remember working home improvement there was a black guy nice guy but it was painful to watch him work I swear for me it would be harder to work as slow as him than it would be to just complete the task

But he was a nice guy talked with him a lot he was a friend He did explain to me its because to work hard would be the same as slavery blah blad

I am saying the indoctrination is a poison

That minorities are very capable if they work hard and some do

There is def racism but its not systemic and its not under every rock and the mindset that it is is just self-defeating and in large numbers hurts society as a whole when coupled with protected class and such

this is not like it was decades ago Most companies care about production or a job well done

All sounds good but still on the outside looking in. There's a huge difference between what's seen and what's lived.
All sounds good but still on the outside looking in. There's a huge difference between what's seen and what's lived.
Genuinely curious what not having lived this life of hardship and strife unique to black men and women in American makes me blind or ignorant to? For context, I was raised in a family of immigrants who moved to this country with no transferable skills or degrees, my father and mother only graduated high school and could not speak a complete sentence in English when they immigrated here in their 40s. My father's first job here in the States was working as a night stock associate for a regional chain grocery store, and within 10 years of our immigration he was able to break six figures gross by working 70+ hours a week.
And the discussion where we're putting that theory to the test is with good old DR.. A person who uses religion as a differentiator to sell financial advice that people can get off of a free list article on yahoo during tax time.

I'm not sure what Dave Ramsey proves nor disproves in the context of this conversation. He found a niche as a business owner and was able to sell to the niche. Whether you approve or like his practices or not has no bearing on it's effectiveness nor his right to do so.
Completely not true. Not the stuff about Farrakan, but that people aren't upset by him and his hate speech.

On the Dangers of Following Louis Farrakhan

First off, tons of Celebrities are also Scientologists, including some of my favorites. However, just because a celebrity likes something doesn't mean they aren't associated with some sketchy ass cult that robs people of their families and money with aggressive and exploitative policies.

I literally do not care what a celebrity says or does outside of their platform. That doesn't mean it's all okay simply because they're famous.

here are few others
Noah Green, who identified himself as a "Follower of Farrakhan" and likened Farrakhan to "Jesus" on his Facebook profile, rammed his car into two police officers near the Capitol’s North Barricade earlier this month, killing U.S. Capitol Police Officer William "Billy" Evans, according to official accounts.

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-Texas, attended a Farrakhan sermon at Houston's Muhammad’s Mosque No. 45 in 2006, where she praised Farrakhan's Nation of Islam and said it has "always been on the forefront of leadership without embarrassment, shyness or apology."

House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., who received backlash for sharing a stage with Farrakhan in 2011, told the Final Call, the Nation of Islam’s media arm, that he was "not bothered in the least bit" by the criticism and thanked Farrakhan for "offering up a number of precepts that we ought to adhere to."

In 2000, Clyburn invited Farrakhan to attend a private gathering of Congressional Black Caucus members when he was the chairman of the caucus days before the Million Family March.

Georgia Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock has also praised Farrakhan's Nation of Islam. The Nation of Islam's "voice has been important for the development of Black theology," he said in a 2013 speech.

Jackson-Lee, Warnock and Clyburn are among the Democratic lawmakers confirmed to be attending Tuesday's meeting. Other CBC members have ties to Farrakhan as well.

In 2006, Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., Barbara Lee, D-Calif., and Al Green, D-Texas, all met with Farrakhan at a church in Louisiana. In a video that resurfaced in 2018 of the meeting, all three Democrats hugged Farrakhan and patted him on the back.

Farrakhan has a long history of espousing anti-Semitic rhetoric. He has described Adolf Hitler as a "very great man" and has repeatedly described Jewish people as "satanic." He also led a "Death to America" chant during a solidarity trip to Iran in 2018.

In addition to the 2006 meeting with Farrakhan, Waters also attended the 2002 Saviours’ Day speech. Farrakhan gave her a shoutout, saying, "We have Maxine Waters here," and told the crowd she was "Our great congresswoman from this area."
Biden meeting Dems with Farrakhan ties the same day as funeral for officer killed by Farrakhan supporter | Fox News

My point is hate speech supporting Hitler pushing for violence is all ok as long as its not one of the dems protected class everyone or the few left its open season its all A ok

Even Maxin water called for the assassination of Trump and aggressive harrasment of republicans in restaurants and public has no consequence