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DHK Teaching Prospecting for NAIFA Sept 8th!


5000 Post Club

I will be giving a webinar presentation for NAIFA's Advisor Ambassador program on Exceptional Prospecting Practices!

This will be MY course - as if *I* were your manager giving you your training in your first week. I will be covering a LOT of ground on initiating contact with prospects!

You can join the full 4-week series of courses... OR you can register in the link in the comments for JUST my prospecting class!

See you there!

4 week series:

Just my webinar on September 8th:
Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Learn Exceptional Prospecting Practices. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.
*** Do YOU know THE $100,000 Success Formula for Prospecting Success? How about the $1,000,000 Success Formula for Prospecting? ***

That's EXACTLY what I'm going to cover in my COMPLIMENTARY training webinar - specifically for members and non-members of NAIFA!!!

The registration links are above!
A new agent would be a fool to pass up this webinar. DHK is a wealth of knowledge within this industry. And he has a true passion for sharing that knowledge for the betterment of this industry.

David, Im glad to see you doing training in a more official capacity. It seems like a natural path for you to take.
Thank you! I rejoined NAIFA a couple of months ago and was the only person on an orientation webinar... with the person heading up the Advisor Ambassador program for NAIFA. It's the NAIFA recruitment arm. When he mentioned looking for people to help teach courses, I jumped on it!

I was also invited to join the Life Happens Speaker's Bureau a few months ago, even though I hadn't ever done any industry speaking... so I figure this is a good way to develop something to teach and talk about for speaking and being listed there too.

Speakers Bureau | By Life Happens
Guys - just did a quick run-through with Zack. (Glad I did that for technical reasons!).

Normally they have between 10-30 people sign up for these webinars.

I've got 50!!!

So thank you for making me look good and I'll see you on the webinar!
First, THANK YOU for registering for my prospecting training webinar with NAIFA today! We had 68 people register and about 45 on the webinar! (Normally they have 10-30 register.)

For all of you on here - how well did I do? (I did warn everyone that we would go over time though!)