Diabetes/Insulin and the Donut Hole


A common request this time of year is a plea to help find a way to deal with the cost of insulin through the donut hole. Outside of the following I would be interested to know what I may be missing.

1. Try to see if they can qualify for LIS
2. See if there is a special needs plan (diabetes) that may have better coverage for insulin.
3. Try to get an allowance from the pharmaceutical company. (Usually never an option.)
4. Use the program that Walmart has for generic Novolin N and R for about $25.00 a bottle.
5. Reduce total cost by shopping around. (Costo / Sams Club - usually less expensive.)

Any input would be appreciated.
They need to plan earlier to get medications from other sources such as Canada to hopefully keep the donut hole away longer or avoid altogether.

I discuss this with my clients when I originally help them, not in August.

Some of my clients ended up in the donut hole in the FIRST QTR thanks to ridiculous costs for insulin

So now I tell them all to not even use their plan to get Insulin--pay cash at Wally World---yes here its like $22.

Sure glad Dear Leader has made Health Care "Uhfordubull" and understandable

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