Door to door


100+ Post Club
Since I'ts going to start warming up here soon I'm thinking about going out on the nice days and do some door knocking. I thinking about getting a list of seniors living in the local small towns and having a brouchure printed up with rates for med sups and final expense .

I was wondering if anyone has any experience going door to door or any advise they would like to share ?
I do not know if you can go door to door with that.

I know that with Part C and D door to door is a Medicare violation. Check with your carriers. See if they have approved materials that you can use if they say you can.
Times have changed. People leery of strangers coming to their door, esp the elderly who have been scam targets.

Back in the 80's that was a favorite way to sell med sups. Even life ins and accident policies. But one thing we did....we checked in with the local police to show ins id, auto id, check on any local ordinances, and notify them of the purpose for solicitation. This way, when they got a phone call about some stranger going door to door...tthey knew who you were. In a little town, they will pick you up.!1

Door to door is considered peddling....doesn't matter what you are presenting. Call them first and say you will be in town on such days showing a new product (s) and would they like to see, compare, blah blah obligation...answer questions..blabh...(you get the drift here, right?) NO HARD SELL EVER!
midwestbroker said:
I do not know if you can go door to door with that.

I know that with Part C and D door to door is a Medicare violation. Check with your carriers. See if they have approved materials that you can use if they say you can.

Thankfully the CMS has no control of any sort with the supplement marketing. I'm sure they are biting at the bit to get some but for now they are frozen out.

To quote my favorite EX Senator EX VP Al Gore, "There is no legal controlling authority", what a bozoo he was!
Havent tried it on any large scale but would be interested in knowing your results. My guess is it will not pay off because you will have to cover a rather large territory to hand out enough flyers to seniors only. Plus, hitting 55+ communities door to door are usually a big no-no.
Still, I think it is worth a try.
policy doctor said:
Times have changed. People leery of strangers coming to their door, esp the elderly who have been scam targets.

Back in the 80's that was a favorite way to sell med sups. Even life ins and accident policies. But one thing we did....we checked in with the local police to show ins id, auto id, check on any local ordinances, and notify them of the purpose for solicitation. This way, when they got a phone call about some stranger going door to door...tthey knew who you were. In a little town, they will pick you up.!1

Door to door is considered peddling....doesn't matter what you are presenting. Call them first and say you will be in town on such days showing a new product (s) and would they like to see, compare, blah blah obligation...answer questions..blabh...(you get the drift here, right?) NO HARD SELL EVER!

Check your state regs. In PA, no borough or municipality can require a solitication permit for anyone with an insurance license soliciting insurance business. Of course, it is still a good idea to say hello to local law enforcement so you have credibility.