I've had it through them for many years to cover life and health, then added incidental P & C a couple years back. I don't know how they compare to other providers. But they've always been easy to work with, and the price seems fair.
Sorry, I may be late to the game (I'm assuming you obtained coverage by 12/31). I switched from NAPA to HISCOX a few years ago due to premiums. It will depend on the breakdown of your commissions. When you exceed $250k for a particular line of business, the premiums change rather drastically. Google searching E&O will bring up a ton of options. Lots of good carriers out there.
Or you can always deal with a great commercial P&C agent and potentially get a good referral partner out of them (assuming this is not a line of business you write). Good luck!
I've been out of the loop for a few years, but when I was in operation, one of carriers for auto, Infinity, offered a really great program for their agents, and the premiums were super for one in the P&C business. There are lots of plans out there for life/health folks that are cheap, but it's because the risk is so low. I did hove a policy early on where, like was mentioned, it covered incidental P&C. The problem is, that type of plan, it really must be very incidental, else no coverage. I had it my first year only as I went from a L/H operation to all lines. The second year, it was inappropriate for my volume.