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Employee vs other worker

What I do to, or with myself in the privacy of my own cape is none of your business.

As 1 of the top 3 Presidents in the last decade eloquently said " you didn't build that cape on your own, especially with 1 undersized hand & 1 oversized hand, we all had our normal sized hands in building that cape". We all own a piece of that cape whether we want to or not
I'm not thin-skinned, but I didn't expect abrasiveness to a question in a group made for agents to ask questions. I prefer direct aggression over passive aggression any day, but no aggression would be my top choice.
I run a business and deal with all types of people quite well. My business is growing faster than I can keep up with, which I'm grateful for. Presently, I'm trying to find the best way to scale my business without losing quality. I'm a calm, pleasant person unless given a reason not to be. If a situation calls for a more forceful presence, then I'm here for it.

I wish real life was as simple as your comments suggest. You're not an overthinker, are you? I probably have ADHD; it's hard for me to see things in black and white.

How I got to my 3rd CPA in a 10 year period is all very normal...nothing nefarious going on or any deep-seated issues that require therapy to manage.

I didn't have a say in losing the first one; he retired without warning. I think it was a health situation because he died about a year later.
The second one was great at his job (I thought), but a change in management between family members and a lot of drama behind the scenes caused constant turnover and left accounts falling through the cracks.
Neither of those situations has anything to do with me other than my being left in a lurch.

I never questioned any of the CPA's advice until the advice changed. Yes, I read the IRS definition of an employee, but I also know that most rules have exceptions or can be applied differently based on outlying factors, especially with complicated subjects like taxes. Is there only one correct way to do it or are there other factors that should be considered? (Overthinking at its finest, right there!) After all, 2 other CPAs did it differently and I trusted that they knew what they were doing & didn't question their advice. See where that got me?
I'm glad that you seem to have found a great CPA on your first time. Do you trust that they are doing everything correctly for you? So did I. What if you suddenly had to find a new CPA and they said your taxes had been done incorrectly for the past decade? You may be a bit stunned and have trouble reconciling that these 2 other CPAs that you trusted were putting you and many other small business owners at great risk.
After that gut punch, questioning and confirming her advice is a completely logical response. As trust builds, I can quit looking over her shoulder, but it's all a bit fresh right now.
I probably have ADHD; it's hard for me to see things in black and white.

I have ADHD, Attention Deficit High Definition. That is where you can't pay attention, but when you do pay attention it is in HD quality.

It would be hard also for you to hang with my family as we are all black & white, literally.
Really the issue is here that I have gorgeous hair, an awesome cape, and the gift of flight, so the level of jealousy on here is pretty high. Plus, too, I sell insurance, so that basically makes me a rock star.