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Equis, Symmetry, Assurance, oh my...!

You guy are hilarious! I like this forum!
I would not recommend any of these companies, but especially Equis. Have you seen their contract? Also at Equis you don't own anything. They keep your book of business, leads, and agents if you ever leave.
Agree with the previous poster on assurance. I'll go a bit further. You can make money but it's wildly inconsistent. They are constantly messing with the algorithm. One week I'll be number one on my team the following I'm closing at 3% with 4 apps. Also, the numbers reported in meeting and the leader board are not reflective of actual agent pay. Most often the mega cases are submitted but never approved - I can attest from personal experience. 3/4 of the money comes from the FE business.
There were some guys writing a lot of applications when I worked with Assurance but the commissions are low so there is no incentive to do customer service or client retention beyond the application and a lot of business falls off on the back end due to buyers remorse, paramedical examinations not getting scheduled, people lying on applications and getting denied, needing copy of physician statements, rates coming back worse than applied after underwriting review etc.

So if an agent is writing 3-5 applications a day there could be a 20 or 30% bullshit rate that are falling off on the back end that they are not talking about.

For term insurance Assurance and Lumico need to automate there back end better because selling is only half the battle and underwriting is the other half of it. Customers call and cancel and they do nothing to try to retain the business or maybe ask what could we do better to keep your business?

I like the old school ways of retaining business such as mailing customers Christmas and birthday cards, giving them small gifts, and doing quarterly and annual review. Essentially thanking them for their business every year.