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Etelesure Inquiry (www.Etelesureusa.com)

Hello Insurance Dream! Good post! You can probably see my irritation, regarding the internet stuff. I was a web designer in a past life and I swear if I read one more idiotic thing about some stupid DNS report I think I'll go crazy. In reality, DNS reports mean next to nothing. There are all kinds of factors that affect those reports and history. Hosting, administrator changes, forwards, if the domain had to be re-registered for some reason and on and on and on. Actually, for that matter, you can almost have the DNS read and say anything you want. They're just not really indicators of anything and just don't mean what some people think they do. The internet in general any more is just nuts. You can buy positive reviews from Yelp, you can remove negative reviews and/or suppress them through Brand.com and well, I'm sure you get the picture.

Let's talk about a "trail", though. Interestingly, you mentioned NAA. I'll say they have a trail. When you're recruiting 100 agents a week at the local Holiday Inn Express week in and week out, selling leads, tapes, seminars and T-shirts you're going to have one heck of a "trail". Maybe this particular company is just different in the sense that they're not a MLM recruiting monster. That'd be a good thing, I think. I understand this to be a call center model. Call center models are just different. Maybe some change was made somewhere along the line. Look at Insurance Wholesalers, for example. They were Insurance Wholesalers forever and now they're ASUREA. New name, new brand, new history, new DNS and so on. I'm only saying that there are lots of reasons and possibly some simple answers to some of the questions you have. Maybe, you should call them and ask them these questions. Also, you mentioned wanting to speak to someone who's actually worked with them, and I applaud you for that, ask them to speak to one or two of their agents, so you can get a direct perspective. Again, I'm sure you see my point.

One last thing about the forum, and ANY forum for that matter, I don't think people understand that when you go and post about something you don't understand or give an opinion on something you've never had direct experience on you're actually hurting the forum and rendering the whole thing useless. It makes it a valueless outlet to get any real credible information and that's not good or helpful to anybody. I just wish more people would use this outlet in the manner you mentioned. Don't give me an opinion on something you've never experienced and have no direct knowledge about. Let me ask a question and get direct information from someone who actually has the direct knowledge and experience. In short, "if you don't know, don't post". Following this simple rule, these forums would be SO much more valuable.
I have actually spoken to someone in there. Just cause I did not feel comfortable does not make it a scam. Like previously mentioned we would love to hear the feedback of people who have done it and those who are currently going forward with it. Very simple
If you do a little research you will find the information doesn't match up, 1996 is when they started, Mark Rogers got his lic in 2000 as a Allstate agent, this guy is under investigation and has red flags with the dept on insurance in Texas, they said they sold there company to AGI, and had a non compete for only two years, no such sale... Stay Away, unless you want to lose $500.00. look them up yourself.
Okay... I "looked this up myself". Let me correct some of this "fact" checking here:

First, Mark Rogers has been a licensed insurance agent since December of 1989. In 2000, you are correct that he has an appointment by Allstate. He ALSO has appointments in 2000 with the following companies:

Genworth (Life)
Hartford (Life)
Lincoln National (Life)
Metlife (Life)
Sun Life (Life)

Fyi, Lincoln Benefit Life is an Allstate owned insurance subsidiary and appointments through the former Lincoln Benefit Life would be denoted as Allstate. Allstate also has its' own life products division, for that matter. Even if he has some sort of affiliation with the property division, who cares. Like lots of other agencies, perhaps they have both life and additional line relationships, whether being actively utilized or not.

Second, the Texas DOI website does not show ANY record of filed, pending or finalized disciplinary action on this individual. In short, "no red flags" exist. Now, are we saying investigation or review? Big difference there. There isn't any record of a license review for this individual either, but that's a lot more common. Common reasons for a license being reviewed:

Not filing a renewal on time
Not updating a current business address on time
Not showing or reflecting the proper CE credits for renewal
And on, and on, and on...

Third, this group has in fact gone through a sale in the somewhat recent past. However, the entity sold was not Etelesure. So, certainly Etelesure would probably not have any history of a sale. During the sale of an entity, and after, non-competes are extremely common, obviously. Who's to say what the term and/or scope of these provisions entail in their agreement. These are extremely detailed transactions, naturally and if they're able to work after the sale, under a new brand, within and abiding by the terms of their sale... How does this affect their current business. In fact, it doesn't.

Finally, referencing an item from a prior post, there are SEVERAL representatives of this company, clearly. What if an owner, or owners, of a company has partners. One of the most common things in the insurance business is for agencies to have internal and external partners, to have appointments under various individuals and entities and to even share appointments for "pooling" relationships to maximize compensation.

As another poster stated so well in an earlier post, feedback from people with actual direct experience, and correct and accurate information, would be appreciated. Again... Come on now people.
I appreciate all of the legitimate posts here. First off let me say thank you to the previous poster for the intelligent response. A couple of things, I responded to a craigslist ad to begin working as an independent agent, selling over the phone, with the potential of earning a six figure salary. I called, sent in a resume & scored a quick over the phone interview. I come from a sales background & understand buying leads, & lead quality marketing & lead expenses, so the $500.00 was not a big red flag. Now I have no experience in insurance sales, and so had to go take a course to go get my license, which I did. I ended up paying $575 for the "lead deposit" and $75.00 for the course. The course was actually great, but I don't think it was an affiliate of Etelesure, just a training company they work with. I studied & scheduled my test with Prometric testing center in Boston. I was nervous but I took the test & I passed. Then I paid my fee to the state of MA...another $250, + $5.00 for the online submission, so now I am $830.00 invested. Still not a problem because it takes money to make money. I sign all the necessary employment documents & wait...& wait...Finally I get contacted by them & they let me know that my leads are on the way! Now I am so excited because I am officially dead broke & am excited to talk to prospects that WANT to talk to me & HAVE requested information, OR whose policies have lapsed...

So another 48 hours later & I actually receive the leads & open them up immediately but decide to not start calling until the next day as I had to look after my family etc...etc...

I start calling on the Internet Leads and my first lead answers- Great!
He calmly informs me that he had NEVER gone online to fill out any application for insurance. OK no problem, on to the next one...Number not in service, OK; no problem onto the next one, wrong number, then wrong number, then wrong number then number not in service, then number not in service....50 out of 70 leads were incorrect, the wrong number, or they swore they had never filled out anything online...the rest I left messages with, but if your in sales you know how that goes...besides, at this point I have lost all confidence in the quality of the leads & my worst suspicions are confirmed

Ok- So now to the mail in leads-(Mortgage Protection) first call, all info is correct & accurate, but the clients were not interested or had already purchased the insurance they needed, next semi-cold, or Old insurance prospect leads-wrong numbers, unavailable, never requested insurance info, numbers no longer in service...

So while I will reserve my final judgement I figured I would give you all a live play by play of my experiences with this firm...I will post an honest update about my experiences & will keep you all posted-

Right now, I am disappointed and a little discouraged. Let me know if anyone knows any other reputable insurance companies that provide opportunities for hardworking & genuine individuals; and do what they say they will do- let me know. But like I said, Im not quite giving up yet- but my instincts usually dont steer me wrong.
Sorry to hear. One of the best offers I have seen in this forum came from Thad sipple. Look up his posts and threads, this is for final expense primarily.

I really want to thank you for posting your experience. It seem like the info found on this forum about certain companies is on point with the truth and thats why its a good idea to keep lurking around and reading on threads and posts that are full of info for us new agents
5 New posters from January/2014 and all pretty much say that.... none have more than 10 posts and all I am hearing is a bunch of BS or Shills talking.

Nobody contributing to this forum and helping agents actually accomplish anything....

Um don't know what to tell you I started officially last week. Is your argument against the recent posts? Your not making any sense. PLEASE reread the posts here... I'm am working DIRECTLY with this firm and I have agreed to tell the truth,what else are you looking for?