Farm and Ranch Healthcare question


I've seen ads for FARHC.COM which is the website for Farm and Ranch Healthcare, Inc. Need information about this company if anyone knows anything about them. They advertise some pretty healthy commissions. Just wondering if they are legit or what and exactly what this type of position is all about. I mean, do you have to go out and ride horses and milk cows with the prospective client or what? Just kidding, but could actually be fun if you're into that sort of thing. I have no clue and would appreciate some insight if anyone has any on this deal. Thanks.

They have a close relationship with United American selling their limited benefit plan and couple it with a discount plan--basically not a good option for someone who can afford and qualify for major medical. I guess they have UA's supplement too but it is not competitively priced in most areas. I saw a F&R business card that even had the UA logo on it. Last I heard they also have contracts with other carriers, including Assurant, Mutual of Omaha and several others. I guess the main thing they offer is leads and they advertise in different trade publications etc. but I have no idea how good the leads are.
I was curious and listened to their pitch. You pay them an admin fee to sign up and then spend 3 days in their home office getting trained (at your cost, reimbursed after you make your first 5K in AV). Then you get 30 free leads a month to sell the UA plan to uninsurables. But of those 30 leads, the regional rep admitted that maybe only 10 or so are fresh. I think they sponsor E&O and seemed to have decent compensation schedules. Didn't sound like my cup of tea.

Anyway, you'll find a good bit of criticism of the UA plans on this board as they are frequently misrepresented as major med plans.
It seems like I remember they used to be sort of like NASE and sell mega or midwest { prior to being known as having a big contract with UA} but maybe I'm wrong....
Johnny, here is the deal with F&R as a former rep I understand all your concerns. Yes, you must pay them 100$ up front as they claim that is to pay all of your contracting fees. They do fly you out to dallas for all of a trainning class in which I think they still pay for everything.

As far as leads, if you get 30 health leads you will be "encouraged" to sell 90 percent of those for United American and the other 10 percent you market for Assurant. When you are metting with someone and trying to sell UA, you were taught to lie and say even though I work for F&R UA is the only health carrier I have and it is a major medical (flexguard) which everyone knows is a lie right there.

Farm and Ranch does not care about what you do with your life insurance leads. Yes, you can make a lot of money with them but to do so, you must expose your morals and ethics which is why I am not currently with them. They basically told me to start selling more UA or leave, and I left.

Johnny, they may have changed but that was in 06. Some of they nicest people in the world but all they care about is the dollar, and not the interest of the client. I also believe they are being sued for practically what I mentioned, teaching their agents to lie and decieve in order to sell UA, since they have a HUGE partnership with UA
I also believe they are being sued for practically what I mentioned, teaching their agents to lie and decieve in order to sell UA, since they have a HUGE partnership with UA

Heartland Settlement - Information Website

This website provides certain information regarding the settlement of the following case: Eric B. Rodriguez v. Martha Burdine, United American Insurance Company, Heartland Alliance of America, Farm & Ranch Healthcare, Inc., Michael Stevens, Red Steagall, Dane Scott, Bruce Greene, William ("Bill") Zeigler, Harry Wiles, Dr. William Blythe, Joe Hannah and Donald S. Frazier, Cause No. DC-05-08 in the 229th District Court, Starr County, Texas; and Eric B. Rodriguez, Individually and Derivatively on Behalf of Heartland Alliance of America v. Martha Burdine, United American Insurance Company, Farm & Ranch Healthcare, Inc., Consulting Corporation of America, Inc., Michael Stevens, Vickie Vanderford Stevens, Russell "Red" Steagall, Dane Scott, Bruce Greene, William ("Bill") Zeigler, Harry Wiles, Dr. William Blythe, Joe Hannah and Donald S. Frazier and Charles Jackson, and Heartland Alliance of America (Nominal Party), Cause No. DC-06-86 in the 229th District Court, Starr County, Texas. Additional information regarding the case can be found in the links on this page.


The Court entered the Final Judgment approving the settlement on October 5, 2006.

The deadline for Class Members to submit claims for benefits under the settlement is FEBRUARY 7, 2007. The settlement benefits will be provided by MARCH 9, 2007 to those Class Members who timely submit valid claims.
A couple of you got close, but not completely correct. The guy from Austin speaks bad of other people but has nothing positive to say about anyone, so who would want to believe anything.

This agency is still around, still going, and as you ALL know (don't pretend you don't) all insurance companies are always hiring.

If you go to their website you will see that it is still in business, and still helping agents make a living while doing the right thing for the clients. They have a compliance department and you can email them with any questions.

No, they don't require you to sell limited benefit plans only. They are appointed with 4 Major Medical Carriers. They also sell Medicare supplements, Medicare Advantage Plans, and Life insurance. Not only hospitalization only plans.

So please, if you are going to post on here, please do your research before spewing out half-truths and 3rd party information.

If you have any questions, you should contact the company directly.

They are now hiring. I bet if you call any other insurance agency in this country who is still in business, they are hiring too.