Fax Blast


Has anyone ever used fax blasting. I am thinking about doing a fax blast with my health flyer to all the local business. Any luck anyone?
Has anyone ever used fax blasting. I am thinking about doing a fax blast with my health flyer to all the local business. Any luck anyone?

I don't know of any other form of marketing that pisses a business owner off more than sending fax solicitations. Why should they pay for your marketing? One of my clients showed me what he does. He uses an online fax service, goes into Word, creates an all black page, and faxes 50 copies back to the sender right before he leaves for the night. He told me, "If they don't respect my ink, I don't respect theirs."
True - sending faxes costs owners money. For me, I'm charged every time someone faxes me through Efax. If it's a physical fax machine it's eating up their toner, using their paper, and possibly causing fax jams.

The reason it's still done is the same reason people do anything that's illegal. They're willing to roll the dice.

Fax blast services are all over the place. Why? Because it's YOU that's on the hook legally, not them.