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Fender Bender


New Member
I was taking my car out from garage and hit a car that was parked in the street. There were no visible damages on the parked car or my car (not even a scratch). The other person insisted to give my insurance details which I shared it to him. He called me two days later with estimate of $1200 for the damages to my surprise. He asked me if I want to pay it out of pocket or through insurance. I suggested him to go through my insurance.

Later when I researched further, it looks like it was illegal spot for him to park in that location. Does that mean he is also at fault? Appreciate any advise on this.
If you hit a parked car, you are at fault. Full stop. Parked illegally or not, doesn't matter. Laws make the driver responsible to check and see which way they're going at all times.

Absolutely go through insurance. They'll have an easier time proving shenanigans, and if "more damage" is found that $1200 can become a lot more very quickly. The company knows what they're doing.
Liability is a lawyer question, not an insurance question.

My wife tapped the bumper of the car in front of her while at a traffic light at an interstate exit. Like you, there was no visible damage to either vehicle and they didn't call the police. They exchanged contact information. So, of course, a few days later, the other party called and said her husband to their car to a shop and the frame was bent, requiring several thousand in repairs but they were willing to take $X in cash. In the meantime, we had reported it to our insurer and my wife gave the other party their contact information. Our agent checked later and found out that they never called the insurer. Let your insurer handle it...they have experience dealing with these situations.
I hit a vehicle while we were both leaving from a full stop at a redlight. We looked at both vehicles and I asked for his contact info and gave mine so he could call me if he found damage later. I gave him my insurance info because I did hit him. A full 6 months later I got a call from my carrier wondering why I did not report the accident. I met with the adjuster and explained the situation and what I did post accident since there wasn't any visible damage. My front license plate holder showed a clear white fold line where it had compressed when I hit the guy. the claimant was looking for thousands of dollars in repairs because he backed into a pole and still had my contact information. I paid, through my carrier, less than $200 for the damage to his bumper cover which I admitted I could see a hole in after I hit him. the hole was from my plate holding screw. Pictures saved my butt
Absolutely go through insurance

Depends on current driving/accident record. Adding an at fault accident on top of any tickets or other at fault claims could raise cumulative rates more or even force a policy cancellation. Better to ask agent what the impact to the rate will be currently if at fault claim filed. Have done this 3-4 times myself with teen drivers in the household. Sometimes better to handle the smaller claims personally, especially those that didn't post on a driver's license