Financial Pacific MGA in CA?


Is anyone familiar with an MGA that has access to Financial Pacific in California? I've looked around on MyNewMarkets and have not seen anything.

I'm a small solo shop so direct appointment is out.

Thanks in advance.
I am not aware of MGA's but there are clusters with access, I believe you can access them through NIA in Grass Valley.

Bert is right. cluster will be the only way, There is berts suggestion and there is PIIB as well. I recomend PIIB. Yah if you are writting commercial and dont have FP you are missing out on some seriouse business. Especially the contractors and artisans classes.
I would have recommended PIIB as well but he said he was a small one man shop so I thought the overhead of a true cluster might have been to high so I recommended NIA. My fault for assuming.
Thanks for both replies, I'll check out NIA. Agreed, the reason why I posted was that I keep coming up against quotes from them and they are pretty competitive.

Although, I'm seeing Korean companies also, like LIG starting to get competitive in my area of CA. Interesting....

Thanks again.

Central coast.. In What classes are they competitive?

The last two I saw from them that looked tough to beat were a Landscaper and a Pizzaria...
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Really... I thought LIG was a wholesaled product. The only place I have seen those guys is with BTIS...

Yes, it probably is wholesaled, I'm just saying I've seen a couple of competitive quotes lately and it was a new name for me that I have not seen up here before...I'm in a pretty rural area, so its mostly the captives and Hartford/Travelers for small BOP's. So, I was looking for access to those carriers...

Which is the great thing about this forum...BTIS and NIA. Good to know. Thanks!
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BTIS is just a wholesaler and not a cluster just to clarify. If you write small trade artisans or any type of work comp you may want to link up with them. They also do commercial auto through AmTrust paper companies as well as GMAC and possibly a few others. They are easy to get an appointment with but if you can get your hands on Financial Pacific you will prob end up only using BTIS for those harder to place guys.
BTIS can also write more than just contractors now. Will do some small BOP stuff and a little work comp. Mostly they push AmTrust since they sold to them.

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