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For those of You that Create Your Own Websites.

I recently created my own website whereas I naturally proceeded to quickly screw things up. Never mess around with phpMyAdmin unless you really know what you are doing.

Which brings me to the point of my post. In the course of looking for help in fixing my site and posting on a couple of tech forums I received an email from a coder that offered to help. Naturally he needed my cPanel password which, at first, I was a bit leery to give out but then I thought...what's the worse that can go wrong? I made a site back up and downloaded it and let him have at it. The guy was good and was very cheap, too. He's located in Vietnam and I would recommend him for anyone needing a good coder. His English is not the best so use small words when writing to him. :)
His name is Bin and he specializes in Joomla.


Thank you very much! :)
I got an email from the coder whom I started this tread on. He asked if I would post a link to his website he's made for himself. He's very good and has helped me out alot so I thought I'd give a plug for his site:

Site Deleted/No longer valid

Keep in mind he also does small jobs as well. Such as if something on your site that just isn't working right.
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Fiverr is great, but if you do want to make changes to the database yourself, its always good practice to back up or export your database first. Then, if something goes horribly long, your site would only be down for as long as it take to restore the database.
I got an email from the coder whom I started this tread on. He asked if I would post a link to his website he's made for himself. He's very good and has helped me out alot so I thought I'd give a plug for his site:


Keep in mind he also does small jobs as well. Such as if something on your site that just isn't working right.

Did you order some extensions? What color?;)
Did you order some extensions? What color?;)

The color is tan, but I have never needed extensions. :goofy:

I see that the links I mentioned are no longer valid, so I deleted them. The coder lives in Vietnam so for all I know he's been executed for talking to people outside his country. I'll see if his email still works sometime...

Wait a minute.....YOU put that "profile" one there. I need to wake up today. lol ....good one, funny monkey.